ivanamat / cakephp3-aclmanager

CakePHP 3.x - Acl Manager
MIT License
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Acl Already Loaded #3

Closed stagistabm closed 8 years ago

stagistabm commented 8 years ago

The "Acl" alias has already been loaded with the following config: array ( ) which differs from array ( 'className' => 'Acl.Acl', ) RuntimeException

ivanamat commented 8 years ago

Hi @stagistabm I'think it is solveved but not commit. I will review all the issues you mention me and push shortly. Thank you very much.

stagistabm commented 8 years ago


ivanamat commented 8 years ago

Which release are you implement?

I think that was resolved in 1.0.4, or at least I thought I had solved the problem. https://github.com/ivanamat/cakephp3-aclmanager/releases/tag/1.0.4

In a clean installation works for me. I will review the document README.md if there is any error. I will do a new installation by following steps README.md file.

stagistabm commented 8 years ago

composer.json "ivanamat/cakephp3-aclmanager": "^1.0"

composer update doesn't find updates

i opened the bootstrap.php and i find this:

Configure::write("AclManager.version", "1.0b");

i downloaded master and replaced files, nothing changes.

ivanamat commented 8 years ago

Ok, y wil do a clean installation following the README.md.

The Configure::write("AclManager.version", "1.0b");

ivanamat commented 8 years ago

@stagistabm Here a complete clean installation:



User: demo Password: demo

It's all new, the copy of CakePHP 3.2, models, controllers and database.

No Acl.Acl or image issues.

stagistabm commented 8 years ago

i resolved this issue, was a loadAll();

ivanamat commented 8 years ago

Great! I warn in the document README.md about this possibility. Thank you!