ivanceras / svgbob

Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG
Apache License 2.0
3.91k stars 112 forks source link

Consider release with support of the last stable #23

Closed tglman closed 6 years ago

tglman commented 6 years ago


I tried to build the 0.2.* set of version on the rust 1.23.0 and it do not build, I would prefer to see the crates published to build on the stable maybe the feature that need the unstable may be disabled on release, and as well who use unstable is more willing to build from source.


ivanceras commented 6 years ago

@tglman 0.2.7 is now using stable rust. Please check it out.

tglman commented 6 years ago


Perfect, could you propagate this downstream, i mean: spongedown if you haven't done yet :)