ivankorobkov / python-inject

Python dependency injection
Apache License 2.0
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* Update to use getfullargspec when executing in python3. #17

Closed jaimewyant closed 6 years ago

jaimewyant commented 6 years ago

I'm using inject inside python3. It generally works well, but python3 deprecated getargspec. It has been replaced by getfullargspec.

I find that in some of my unit tests, I'm having issues with functions that are keyword only. This PR fixes the issue. I've tested with both py2 and py3.

ivankorobkov commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for a PR. I'll test and merge it tomorrow.

ivankorobkov commented 6 years ago

I have merged your PR. I plan to update README and release the next version this week. You can use the master branch, or wait for the next version.

ivankorobkov commented 6 years ago

I have released v3.3.2.