ivankorobkov / python-inject

Python dependency injection
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How to inject dependencies that have dependencies #63

Closed caiquecp closed 4 years ago

caiquecp commented 4 years ago

What I'm trying to do:

def config_inject(binder: inject.Binder) -> None:
        binder.bind(Database, MongoDatabase())
        binder.bind(SomeRepository, MongoSomeRepository())

MongoSomeRepository has dependency over Database, but when I'm trying to config it this way I got the error "No injector is configured". I guess it happens because at the moment the bind is being made the injector is not ready. So how do I handle this case?

ivankorobkov commented 4 years ago


Use ‘binder.bind_to_constructor(Database, MongoDatabase)’.

‘MongoDatabase()’ inside ‘config_injector’ tries to get its dependencies and accesses the global injector which is not configured yet.

caiquecp commented 4 years ago

OK, I'll do it. Thank you!