ivanov / vim-ipython

A two-way integration between Vim and IPython 0.11+
1.04k stars 163 forks source link

Is this project now dead / unmaintained? #153

Closed smutch closed 7 years ago

smutch commented 8 years ago

I very thankful for this plugin and the fantastic work which has gone into creating it. I realise that nothing is owed to myself or others who are using this, but it would be great to hear what the future plans are for this plugin and if it is being / will be maintained? There are currently a lot of open issues and pull requests.

@wilywampa has an excellent fork which appears to have been maintained and updated regularly to keep pace with IPython. Unfortunately, Github appears to have some restrictions on creating pull requests for forks-of-forks (or at-least I am having troubles achieving this), so it is not possible to submit a pull request to this maintained repo...

ocehugo commented 8 years ago

I believe that if someone is keen to take the the lead (@wilywampa looks like the guy :P) and other people that make changes get together and organize the pull requests the thing will get better. I did some issues and pull requests not required since I didn't check pther pulls, etc. From the fork graph I believe that @wilywampa and @jjhelmus are the guys to talk about it, since most of other forks were doing exactly the same (support for python3 or jupyter, etc).

khughitt commented 8 years ago

@ivanov Perhaps you could add @wilywampa as a maintainer for the repo? This way he could help to merge some of the PRs.

This seems to have worked quite well recently for another NerdCommenter (e.g. see discussion here: https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdcommenter/pull/218)

wilywampa commented 8 years ago

The main reason I haven't replied yet is I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get all the functionality that I've put together for myself out to everyone else. Some features I've come to depend on which are built on features that I will maintain in my fork:

  1. Metadata for completion showing live values of variables, docstrings, and more allowing quick inspection of variables just by typing
  2. A monitor for the console shell that shows the inputs and outputs in the shell itself instead of in a Vim window
  3. A unite IPython history source to allow searching, copying, executing, etc. IPython history items
  4. A scratch buffer that behaves a lot like an IPython notebook but with the ability to act on text objects/motions instead of just cells (plus full Vim editing support, which is what we're all here for, right?)

I made a little demo to show off some of this stuff:


None of this is really documented and most of it is external to the Vim plugin; some even requires modification to IPython itself. If there's any interest I can maybe put some effort into making things usable for other people.

ocehugo commented 8 years ago

Hi, i'm interested particularly in 1. and 2. (mostly in the console monitor). I disable the ipython buffer since it's too slow and all the time it's get in the way ( you can't check if the code was run though, sometimes a little bit problematic but easily handled by syntastic but also required to run the code checker or save the file). The demonstration video is nice, but too quick (or I need more coffee).

I also ask myself if 1 is build to work together with YouCompleteMe.

I do not write vimscripts but i can try to use/debug a little bit. Let me know when you put some help/readme with your changes,installing, like mappings and what each option do what, so I can give a try

smutch commented 8 years ago

@wilywampa - that looks amazing! Thanks for sharing your progress!

I too am having a little trouble following the demo video, but the features you've described sound great. If you were able to find the time to develop your branch into a more friendly version for others to use then I too would be happy and willing to help out with testing etc...

wilywampa commented 8 years ago

A version of my fork with metadata/monitor documented is available now: https://github.com/wilywampa/vim-ipython/commit/ed4c2dc302718712db0df2e6634068c284a6df55

smutch commented 8 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for passing this on. I'll try it out and let you know how I get on.

ocehugo commented 8 years ago

@wilywampa, could you open the issues tab on your fork? I had some problems, like the command to run several lines do not work and I can't find some other functions names (Like runCell for example).

wilywampa commented 8 years ago

@ocehugo I opened up issues and added an implementation for <Plug>(IPython-RunCell). It actually runs a paragraph but it's built on a <Plug>(IPython-RunTextObj) map that could be combined with, for example, https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user to define a cell however you like.

wmvanvliet commented 7 years ago

FYI: I've been working from the Jupyter QtConsole end to support better integration with text editors like Vim: https://github.com/jupyter/qtconsole/pull/196

ivanov commented 7 years ago

Thanks @smutch for the kind words, and all of you for playing with vim-ipython - I'm glad it's been useful, and sorry to have been rather absent in the past few years.

Software does not die. It is just a collections of bits. The bits are there for you to use and bend and meld to your own needs. I am glad that some of you have been able to make progress with your own forks. It has always been my intent to continue development of vim-ipython, but other things got in the way of that. I hope you all understand and I will try to do better. I am closing this issue to signal that this project is not dead, feel free to provide any other updates here or by opening a new issue.

Happy hacking! :bowtie: