ivanpaulovich / FluentMediator

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: FluentMediator is an unobtrusive library that allows developers to build custom pipelines for Commands, Queries and Events.
Apache License 2.0
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Please support Polly #23

Open ivanpaulovich opened 4 years ago

mviegas commented 4 years ago

Hey @ivanpaulovich was looking for an issue to solve and participate, and this one just caught my attention. Could you describe it with more details?!

ivanpaulovich commented 4 years ago

Hi @mviegas :)

This task would require some prototyping and possible redesign. I would like to add a retry mechanism to the publish/send methods.

A simple code using Polly would be like:

using Polly;

// code omitted

// Setup FluentMediator

var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddFluentMediator(builder =>
        .Call<IPingHandler>(async (handler, req) => await handler.MyCustomFooBarAsync(req))
var pingHandler = new Mock<IPingHandler>();
services.AddScoped(provider => pingHandler.Object);

var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var mediator = provider.GetRequiredService<IMediator>();

var ping = new PingRequest("Async Ping");

// Setup Polly

var retryPolicy = Policy

var fallbackPolicy = Policy
    .Fallback((cancellationToken) => Console.WriteLine("An error happened"));

// Invoke Mediator within a Polly Policy
// In case of exceptions it would be retried 3 times then call console.Write line

await fallbackPolicy
    .ExecuteAsync(async () => await mediator.PublishAsync(ping)); 

The previous code needs some testing, and as you seem it became very verbose to invoke the PublishAsync.

I wish we could have an AddPolly method to the pipeline so we don't need this when invoking the Publish/Send.

ivanpaulovich commented 4 years ago

I think the first step is to set up SimpleConsoleApp with https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly library then see what we can do on our library to make it easier

mviegas commented 4 years ago

Oh, now I got your point. I'll work on it within the next weekend and try to update something here!

mviegas commented 4 years ago

Well, it's been a long time hahaha but talking about time, now is when I finally found some to think about it. So today i've been playing with some things like you suggested in your example and came with the following extension method:

public static IPipelineAsyncBuilder<TRequest> CallWithPolicyAsync<THandler, TRequest>(
    this IPipelineAsyncBuilder<TRequest> builder,
    Func<THandler, TRequest, Task> handler,
    Func<Task> fallbackAction = default)
    var retryPolicy = Policy.Handle<Exception>().RetryAsync(3);

    var fallbackPolicy = Policy.Handle<Exception>().FallbackAsync(async _ => await fallbackAction());

    var policyAction = new Func<THandler, TRequest, Task>(async (h, r) => await fallbackPolicy
            .ExecuteAsync(async () =>
                await handler.Invoke(h, r);

    builder.Call<THandler>(async (h, r) => await policyAction(h, r));

    return builder;

Then, on SimpleConsoleApp I just call:

.CallWithPolicyAsync<PingHandler, PingRequest>(async (handler, req) => await handler.MyMethodAsync(req));

I think it I made it through a nice proof of concept to see if its possible to implement it through extension methods. Now I would like to ask for your opinion @ivanpaulovich on which things might be useful for a v1 PR. I thought about:

Thanks for the help!

mviegas commented 4 years ago

Just went through some more brainstorming over here:

public static IPipelineBuilder<TRequest> CallWithPolicy<THandler, TRequest>(
    this IPipelineBuilder<TRequest> builder,
    Action<THandler, TRequest> handler,
    Func<THandler, TRequest, Policy> mainPolicyConfiguration,
    params Policy[] policiesToWrap)
    if (builder is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(builder));

    if (mainPolicyConfiguration is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mainPolicyConfiguration));

    var configuredPolicy = new Action<THandler, TRequest>((h, r) =>
        var policy = mainPolicyConfiguration.Invoke(h, r);

        foreach (var policyToWrap in policiesToWrap)

        policy.Execute(() => handler(h, r));

    builder.Call<THandler>((h, r) => configuredPolicy(h, r));

    return builder;

On setup:

    .CallWithPolicy<PingHandler, PingRequest>(
        (handler, req) => handler.MyMethod(req),
        (_, req) => Policy.Handle<Exception>().Fallback(() => Console.WriteLine($"This is a fallback for attempt #{req.Count}")));

I have to confess that I have some ambiguous feelings about this approach:

ivanpaulovich commented 4 years ago

Hi @mviegas,

How was the vacation? I hope you had a good time 🍺 This is an interesting implementation and it does not bring dependencies to the Core FluentMediator.

I guess the next step is to create a FluentMediator.Polly project so we design the nuget package and try out the implementation? Would you open a PR?

mviegas commented 4 years ago

Hey @ivanpaulovich thanks for the reply! The vacation time was great, need to destress after the times we had over here due to quarantine.

I'll prepare this project along the week and submit a PR so we can try this out better!