ivanpirog / vortextracker

Music tracker for AY/YM chips
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10 suggestions to improve interface/controls #2

Open Mr-Personality opened 2 years ago

Mr-Personality commented 2 years ago

Firstly, thank you for making v2.6!

Here are 10 suggestions I've wanted for a long time. (I gave this list to Flexx four years ago.)

Samples editor

  1. Sample names This is my biggest request! That the samples can have names. This would make it SO MUCH easier to make music! Where it says "Sample" (next to "Length") - this box could fill the width of the panel, with the sample number on the left, and the sample name next to it. There could be a "Rename" button to rename it.

(I also think the panel on the right could be a little wider, and the volume bars could be a little narrower.)

  1. Sample selector To the right of the "Sample" number/name, add a drop-down arrow. Then when you click anywhere on the box, a list appears showing all the samples in the song. This would let you quickly see all the samples in your song (and how many there are), and let you quickly pick the one you want.

  2. Hex everywhere The sample number is decimal in the sample editor, but hex in the pattern editor. Confusing! Please could you make it hex everywhere - that would be less confusing.

  3. Sample order I have a big problem with the sample editor... the samples I've added to my song are always in a jumbled up order (eg similar sounds are not together). It is VERY difficult to re-order the samples - I have to do lots of copying and pasting and THEN update all the references in the song! This problem could be solved if you added a "Move position" control, with up and down arrows, to move the current sample up or down one position. This would automatically update all the references in the patterns, so we don't have to!

Patterns editor

  1. Quick jump keys It would be SO helpful if the keys F9 - F12 jumped to the start of the pattern, ¼ way, ½ way and ¾ way (like some other trackers).

  2. Scrollbar I would also love if the pattern editor had a scrollbar.

  3. Autostep defaults I would like to be able to change the default settings for Autostep. For me, I always like Autostep to be on, and set to 1. I never want it to be anything else!

  4. Cursor wrap It would be useful if the cursor wrapped around the left and right side of the pattern editor.

Other stuff

  1. Numpad control Please can you allow numpad entry for numbers?

  2. Stereo/mono toggle I regularly switch between stereo and mono (I like my music to sound good both ways). But I NEVER change the order of ABC! Please could the button ONLY toggle between Mono/stereo. Changing the order of ABC should be moved to the options, because it's not something people need to do very often.

Thank you!