ivarptr / yu-writer.site

A feature-rich, efficient text editor - Web Site
Apache License 2.0
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什么时候新版本啊,我等不及了 #545

Open nigoolasi opened 5 years ago

nigoolasi commented 5 years ago

Platform/操作系统类型 macOS? Windows? or Linux?

OS version/操作系统版本 macOS 10.13, 10.14, ... Windows 10 1709, 1803, ... Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 ...

Application version/应用程序的版本号 x.y.z

Describe the bug/错误描述 A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce/如何重现该错误 (如果错误描述能说明清楚则忽略并删除该小节) Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. xxx
  2. yyy
  3. zzz

Screenshots/截图(如果截图能帮助描述问题的话则提供,不需要的则忽略并删除该小节) If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

vyan13 commented 5 years ago


Coelancanth commented 5 years ago


hemashushu commented 5 years ago

还有很多坑没填上,只能边发预告边填坑了 https://github.com/ivarptr/yu-writer.site/issues/549