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YuWriter 添加到.zshrc中快速打开md 文件无效 #560

Closed itgoyo closed 5 years ago

itgoyo commented 5 years ago

Platform/操作系统类型 macOS

OS version/操作系统版本 macOS 10.13.6

Application version/应用程序的版本号 最新

Describe the bug/错误描述

Yu Writer添加到.zshrc

alias yu="/Applications/Yu\ Writer.app/Contents/MacOS/Yu\ Writer"


yu test.md


log 如下

yu test.md
info: app ready
info: main module [/Applications/Yu Writer.app/Contents/Resources/app/main.js]
info: DEBUG mode is off
info: application package folder [/Applications/Yu Writer.app]
info: exec path (executable binary path) [/Applications/Yu Writer.app/Contents/MacOS]
info: workdir path (the Electron "resources" dir) [/Applications/Yu Writer.app/Contents/Resources]
info: app path (the Electron "app.asar|app" dir) [/Applications/Yu Writer.app/Contents/Resources/app]
info: resource path (the "src" dir) [/Applications/Yu Writer.app/Contents/Resources/app/src]
info: bootstrap config detect.
info: (app) default config path [/Applications/Yu Writer.app/Contents/Resources/app/src/config]
info: (app) data path [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Application Support/Yu Writer]
info: (app) cache path [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Caches/Yu Writer]
info: (app) config path [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Application Support/Yu Writer/config]
info: (user) library path [/Users/itgoyo/Documents/Yu Writer Libraries]
info: found library [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Application Support/Yu Writer/builtinlibraries/External]
info: found library [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Application Support/Yu Writer/builtinlibraries/Manual]
info: found library [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Application Support/Yu Writer/builtinlibraries/Recent]
info: found library [/Users/itgoyo/Library/Application Support/Yu Writer/builtinlibraries/Smart Folders]
info: found library [/Users/itgoyo/Documents/Yu Writer Libraries/Default]
info: found library [/Users/itgoyo/Documents/Yu Writer Libraries/Inbox]
info: found symbolic link library [/Users/itgoyo/Documents/Yu Writer Libraries/hexo] -> [/Users/itgoyo/Documents/hexo]
info: load user dictionary success.
info: load main window state success.
info: load recent file list success.
info: load file info list success.
info: load extra config success.
info: license verify result: true
info: load slide styles success.
info: load themes success.
info: load document styles success.
info: load spell check dictionary success.
info: load template success.
info: finish initialize task
info: create main window without specified startup file items
2019-07-15 11:04:23.093 Yu Writer[49689:1096906] *** WARNING: Textured window <AtomNSWindow: 0x7fc9f36177c0> is getting an implicitly transparent titlebar. This will break when linking against newer SDKs. Use NSWindow's -titlebarAppearsTransparent=YES instead.
info: LibraryService.updateFile: file [demo] content no change.
info: LibraryService.updateFile: file [README] content no change.
info: LibraryService.updateFile: file [Java_01] content no change.
info: LibraryService.updateFile: file [Java_02] content no change.

To Reproduce/如何重现该错误 (如果错误描述能说明清楚则忽略并删除该小节) Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Screenshots/截图(如果截图能帮助描述问题的话则提供,不需要的则忽略并删除该小节) If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

hemashushu commented 5 years ago

@itgoyo 当前版本的 win 版是支持的,而 mac 版忘记添加了,下个版本(0.6)会补上,运行结果如下图,谢谢你的建议!

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 1 55 06 AM
itgoyo commented 5 years ago

@ivarptr 好滴好滴,谢谢作者大大。