ivaylokenov / AspNet.Mvc.TypedRouting

A collection of extension methods providing strongly typed routing and link generation for ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
MIT License
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Semantic versioning #29

Open jorgeyanesdiez opened 7 years ago

jorgeyanesdiez commented 7 years ago

Just a few comments on semantic versioning:

v1.3.0 switched its dependencies to the ASP.NET Core non-LTS channel. This is a major change, which I think should have been versioned as v2.0.0.

Let me explain. Suppose you now find a bug. If you want to support both LTS and non-LTS channels, then you must fix v1.2.0 and v1.3.0 and release versions v1.2.1 and 1.3.1 respectively.

At that point, suppose you add functionality. You can create v1.4.0 after 1.3.1 but you cannot create 1.3.0 after v1.2.1 because that's already in use, and v1.2.2 would not reflect that extra features have been added. Don't you agree?

Let me be very annoying right now and also suggest a library rename to something that makes it more obvious this is not a Microsoft official library, for example:

AspNet.Mvc.TypedRouting => Ivaylokenov.AspNetCore.Mvc.TypedRouting

Should you decide to do this you can kill two birds with one stone because such a change will allow you to reset to v1.0.0.

What are your takes on this? Thanks for a GREAT library, it has saved me a lot of hard work.

ivaylokenov commented 7 years ago

@jorgeyanesdiez Hi, I am not quite sure how to solve the versioning issue with the features but will do it when there is a new feature to add. As for the rename - I already intend to rename it - https://github.com/ivaylokenov/AspNet.Mvc.TypedRouting/issues/20 but without adding my name in front of it (it will be narcissistic). I believe the fact that there is no Microsoft in the name is enough to clarify the library does not come from them. Thank you for the suggestion and the nice words!