iver56 / audiomentations

A Python library for audio data augmentation. Inspired by albumentations. Useful for machine learning.
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Allow to provide `AddShortNoises` with a (list of) file path(s) #262

Closed mmxgn closed 1 year ago

mmxgn commented 1 year ago

Right now it only accepts a directory of audio files, it would be good to also allow for list of audio numpy arrays similar to ApplyImpulseResponse

atamazian commented 1 year ago

The ApplyImpulseResponse function doesn't allow a list of audio numpy arrays to be passed as input argument. Maybe you meant some other function?

mmxgn commented 1 year ago

Hm, sorry, I meant list of files :P

iver56 commented 1 year ago

The current implementation seems to allow a list of files:

class AddShortNoises(BaseWaveformTransform):
    def __init__(
        sounds_path: Union[List[Path], List[str], Path, str],
        :param sounds_path: A path or list of paths to audio file(s) and/or folder(s) with
            audio files. Can be str or Path instance(s). The audio files given here are
            supposed to be (short) noises.

@mmxgn Can you check if your wish is already fulfilled?

mmxgn commented 1 year ago

yes it was