ividyon / WitchyBND

Unpacks/repacks FromSoftware archive formats and serializes FromSoftware data formats.
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Y/N prompt for repacking regulation.bin doesn't let you say no and creates a broken regbin #37

Closed lugia19 closed 2 weeks ago

lugia19 commented 3 weeks ago

If I press N when presented with the Y/N prompt, it either begins from the start again, or it just... repacks the file anyway.

Additionally, if this happens, the resulting regulation.bin will error out when trying to unpack it. So it's probably broken in some way.

C:\Users\lugia19\Gdrive\PycharmProjects\ac6_design_editor\data\regulation.bin: Unhandled exception:
System.IO.InvalidDataException: Could not read sane data using either ER or AC6 decryption keys.
   at WitchyLib.WBUtil.DecryptRegulationBin(String path, GameType& game) in ./WitchyLib/WBUtil.cs:line 275
   at WitchyBND.Parsers.WPARAMBND4.GetRegulationWithGameType(String path, Nullable`1& game) in ./WitchyBND/Parsers/Binder/WPARAMBND4.cs:line 71
   at WitchyBND.Parsers.WPARAMBND4.Unpack(String srcPath, ISoulsFile _, Boolean recursive) in ./WitchyBND/Parsers/Binder/WPARAMBND4.cs:line 125
   at WitchyBND.CliModes.ParseMode.Unpack(String path, ISoulsFile file, Type compression, WFileParser parser, Boolean recursive) in ./WitchyBND/CliModes/ParseMode.cs:line 240
   at WitchyBND.CliModes.ParseMode.<>c__DisplayClass8_5.<ParseFiles>b__4() in ./WitchyBND/CliModes/ParseMode.cs:line 154
   at WitchyBND.Services.ErrorService.Catch(Func`1 callback, Boolean& error, String source) in ./WitchyBND/Services/ErrorService.cs:line 138```