ivirabyan / jquery-mentions

Adds mentioning support to your text fields.
MIT License
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Mention suggestions not being hidden when more than 20 characters are entered after "@" #36

Open zilions opened 9 years ago

zilions commented 9 years ago

I inspected the match regex that you are using and it states that it will match between 0-20 characters after the trigger, usually being "@".

I ran a test by typing the following, or similar, into the text box... yet the suggestions within the jQuery UI menu dropdown still remained displayed.

@Testing testing 123 this is far more than 20 characters now...

The only way I could get them to hide was when the textarea lost focus. Once it regained focus again, I could then begin to delete character by character until there were 20 remained and the suggestions then displayed again as expected.

ivirabyan commented 9 years ago

Please, tell me what browser you use, and give me sample data to reproduce this bug