ivirabyan / jquery-mentions

Adds mentioning support to your text fields.
MIT License
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highlight in wrong positions #42

Open leizard opened 8 years ago

leizard commented 8 years ago

I use your example, but this happens:

screenshot from 2015-08-28 14 19 32

can you help me ?

ivirabyan commented 8 years ago

What browser and version you use?

leizard commented 8 years ago

I use Chrome the latest version on Ubuntu 14.04

ivirabyan commented 8 years ago

I have exactly the same environment, sounds really strange. Is bug present when you just open example page, before you modify textarea?

leizard commented 8 years ago

I use it in my Meteor project, in Template.onRendered method, don't know if there s something diffirent

amerikan commented 8 years ago

I've seen this happen (not as bad as the screenshot posted above though). Usually it has been slightly off. I haven't really tried to debug it, but will try soon.

ivirabyan commented 8 years ago

This kind of bug can happen if highlighter font is not equal to the one used in the textarea. This should not happen normally

ivirabyan commented 8 years ago

@leizard can you make a standalone page demonstrating the bug?