ivirabyan / jquery-mentions

Adds mentioning support to your text fields.
MIT License
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Compatible with WYSIWYG? #9

Closed deronsizemore closed 9 years ago

deronsizemore commented 9 years ago

Wondering if this is compatible with something like TinyMCE or Froala editor? Mainly Froala.

ivirabyan commented 9 years ago

mentionsInput supports elements with contenteditable="true", it is independent of editor. So, you can use it with any WYSIWYG editor. We particularly use it with Redactor, but you can choose your own. Just initialize the corresponding div with mentionsInput.

deronsizemore commented 9 years ago

Awesome! Thanks so much. Do you maybe have an example of what this looks like live?

ivirabyan commented 9 years ago

For now you can look at the example.html in the repository. I'll create a live example page in a meanwhile.

deronsizemore commented 9 years ago

Thanks again! I got it working locally. SWEET!

ivirabyan commented 8 years ago

It doesn't work with TinyMCE, unfortunately. #40