ivmai / cudd

CUDD: CU Decision Diagram package - unofficial git mirror of https://web.archive.org/web/20180127051756/http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/CUDD/html/index.html (intro: https://web.archive.org/web/20150215010018/http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/CUDD/cuddIntro.html)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
114 stars 64 forks source link

cuddexport.c is missing a good Dot File Tree Dump... #1

Open tezozomoc opened 6 years ago

tezozomoc commented 6 years ago

There is no good dot tree dump for cudd... I wrote this one several years ago...

Please include the following function to cuddexport.c

in the cudd.h file include the following.. . function declaration... extern int Cudd_DumpDotTree (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode f, char inames, char *onames, FILE fp);

in the file cuddexport.c add the following function...


Synopsis [Writes a dot file representing the argument DDs.]

Description [Writes a file representing the argument DDs in a format suitable for the graph drawing program dot. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory, file system full). Cudd_DumpDot does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Cudd_DumpDot uses a minimal unique subset of the hexadecimal address of a node as name for it. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames. Cudd_DumpDot uses the following convention to draw arcs:

The dot options are chosen so that the drawing fits on a letter-size sheet. ]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpBlif Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpDDcal Cudd_DumpDaVinci Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

**/ int Cudd_DumpDotTree( DdManager dd / manager /, int n / number of output nodes to be dumped */, DdNode f / array of output nodes to be dumped /, char inames / array of input names (or NULL) /, char * onames / array of output names (or NULL) /, FILE fp / pointer to the dump file /) { DdNode support = NULL; DdNode scan; int sorted = NULL; int nvars = dd->size; st_table visited = NULL; st_generator gen = NULL; int retval; int i, j; int slots; DdNodePtr nodelist; long refAddr, diff, mask;

/* Build a bit array with the support of f. */
sorted = ALLOC(int,nvars);
if (sorted == NULL) {
dd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
goto failure;
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) sorted[i] = 0;

/* Take the union of the supports of each output function. */
support = Cudd_VectorSupport(dd,f,n);
if (support == NULL) goto failure;
scan = support;
while (!cuddIsConstant(scan)) {
sorted[scan->index] = 1;
scan = cuddT(scan);
support = NULL; /* so that we do not try to free it in case of failure */

/* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
visited = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
if (visited == NULL) goto failure;

/* Collect all the nodes of this DD in the symbol table. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
retval = cuddCollectNodes(Cudd_Regular(f[i]),visited);
if (retval == 0) goto failure;

/* Find how many most significant hex digits are identical
** in the addresses of all the nodes. Build a mask based
** on this knowledge, so that digits that carry no information
** will not be printed. This is done in two steps.
**  1. We scan the symbol table to find the bits that differ
**     in at least 2 addresses.
**  2. We choose one of the possible masks. There are 8 possible
**     masks for 32-bit integer, and 16 possible masks for 64-bit
**     integers.

/* Find the bits that are different. */
refAddr = (long) Cudd_Regular(f[0]);
diff = 0;
gen = st_init_gen(visited);
if (gen == NULL) goto failure;
while (st_gen(gen, &scan, NULL)) {
diff |= refAddr ^ (long) scan;
st_free_gen(gen); gen = NULL;

/* Choose the mask. */
for (i = 0; (unsigned) i < 8 * sizeof(long); i += 4) {
mask = (1 << i) - 1;
if (diff <= mask) break;

/* Write the header and the global attributes. */
retval = fprintf(fp,"digraph \"DD\" {\n");
if (retval == EOF) return(0);
retval = fprintf(fp,
"size = \"7.5,10\"\ncenter = true;\nedge [dir = none];\n");
if (retval == EOF) return(0);

/* Write the input name subgraph by scanning the support array. */
retval = fprintf(fp,"{ node [shape = plaintext];\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
retval = fprintf(fp,"  edge [style = invis];\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
/* We use a name ("CONST NODES") with an embedded blank, because
** it is unlikely to appear as an input name.
retval = fprintf(fp,"  \"CONST NODES\" [style = invis];\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
    if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
    if (inames == NULL || inames[dd->invperm[i]] == NULL) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %d \" -> ", dd->invperm[i]);
    } else {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \" -> ", inames[dd->invperm[i]]);
        if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
retval = fprintf(fp,"\"CONST NODES\"; \n}\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;

/* Write the output node subgraph. */
retval = fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; node [shape = box]; edge [style = invis];\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (onames == NULL) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\"F%d\"", i);
} else {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\"  %s  \"", onames[i]);
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
if (i == n - 1) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"; }\n");
} else {
    retval = fprintf(fp," -> ");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;

/* Write rank info: All nodes with the same index have the same rank. */
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
    if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; ");
    if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
    if (inames == NULL || inames[dd->invperm[i]] == NULL) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %d \";\n", dd->invperm[i]);
    } else {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \";\n", inames[dd->invperm[i]]);
        if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
    nodelist = dd->subtables[i].nodelist;
    slots = dd->subtables[i].slots;
    for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
    scan = nodelist[j];
    while (scan != NULL) {
        if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
        retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\";\n",
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) /
        if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
        scan = scan->next;
    retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n");
    if (retval == EOF) goto failure;

/* All constants have the same rank. */
retval = fprintf(fp,
"{ rank = same; \"CONST NODES\";\n{ node [shape = box]; ");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
nodelist = dd->constants.nodelist;
slots = dd->constants.slots;
for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
scan = nodelist[j];
while (scan != NULL) {
    if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\";\n",
        (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)));
    if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
    scan = scan->next;
retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n}\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;

/* Write edge info. */
/* Edges from the output nodes. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (onames == NULL) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\"F%d\"", i);
} else {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\"  %s  \"", onames[i]);
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
/* Account for the possible complement on the root. */
if (Cudd_IsComplement(f[i])) {
    retval = fprintf(fp," -> \"%lx\" [style = dotted];\n",
    (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) f[i]) / sizeof(DdNode)));
} else {
    retval = fprintf(fp," -> \"%lx\" [style = solid];\n",
    (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) f[i]) / sizeof(DdNode)));
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;

/* Edges from internal nodes. */
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
    if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
    nodelist = dd->subtables[i].nodelist;
    slots = dd->subtables[i].slots;
    for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
    scan = nodelist[j];
    while (scan != NULL) {
        if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
        retval = fprintf(fp,
            "\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\";\n",
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) /
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) cuddT(scan)) /
        if (retval == EOF) goto failure;

                    unsigned long parent = 0U;
        if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(scan)))
            retval = fprintf(fp,
            "\"%lx\" -> \"FAIL\" [style = dotted];\n",
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) /
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) cuddE(scan)) /
            retval = fprintf(fp,
            "\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\" [style = dashed];\n",
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) /
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) cuddE(scan)) /
                    #ifdef ORIG
        if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(scan))) {
            retval = fprintf(fp,
            "\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\" [style = dotted];\n",
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) /
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) cuddE(scan)) /
        } else {
            retval = fprintf(fp,
            "\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\" [style = dashed];\n",
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) /
            (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) cuddE(scan)) /
        if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
        scan = scan->next;

/* Write constant labels. */
nodelist = dd->constants.nodelist;
slots = dd->constants.slots;
for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
scan = nodelist[j];
while (scan != NULL) {
    if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
    retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\" [label = \"%g\"];\n",
        (unsigned long) ((mask & (long) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)),
    if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
    scan = scan->next;

/* Write trailer and return. */
retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n");
if (retval == EOF) goto failure;


failure: if (sorted != NULL) FREE(sorted); if (support != NULL) Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support); if (visited != NULL) st_free_table(visited); return(0);


ivmai commented 6 years ago

Hi. I'm not a maintainer (nor developer) of cudd. Please contact the author. Anyway you can make a pull request (I won't merge or close it) to let others use your fix.