ivoa-std / ADQL

Astronomical Data Query Language Standard
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Hyperlinked BNF #78

Open mbtaylor opened 1 year ago

mbtaylor commented 1 year ago

Appendix A of ADQL 2.0 references the external page http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaVOQL/adql-bnf-v2.0.html which is a super-useful hyperlinked version of the BNF. It would be great to have a similar thing for ADQL 2.1.

gmantele commented 1 year ago

I did not even know a such thing existed. Indeed, it could be useful to have that for ADQL-2.1. Do you know who generated this? And how?

mbtaylor commented 1 year ago

I don't know the answer to either of those questions, but following a bit of googling I'm guessing that whoever it was might have used the tools at https://ronsavage.github.io/SQL/. Some fiddling around is required to make it work, but I think I could get it producing useful output. Since the build is a bit complicated and the output needs some manual intervention I'm not sure if it would be suitable for putting under direct makefile control, but I could have a go at writing a script which at least documents what's done and put it, with the resulting output, in the ADQL repository. Should I do it?

gmantele commented 1 year ago

Why not :) You can give it a try. I think it is not really essential, so don't try too hard if it does not work.

mbtaylor commented 1 year ago

Implemented I believe in PR #81.

gmantele commented 1 year ago

Implemented and merged thanks to #81

mbtaylor commented 6 months ago

I've just realised that this issue didn't get properly resolved. Although the adql-bnf.html file is now in the respository, it is not referenced in the ADQL 2.1 document appendix or otherwise available except by looking in this github repository. Do you think a link could be added to the ADQL 2.1 landing page or that it could otherwise be made available from the IVOA website? It could go in the https://www.ivoa.net/documents/ADQL/20231215/ directory along with the LaTeX source etc. Failing that it could go on the wiki (the ADQL 2.0 version was at https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaVOQL/adql-bnf-v2.0.html).

msdemlei commented 6 months ago

On Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 06:00:16AM -0800, Mark Taylor wrote:

from the IVOA website? It could go in the https://www.ivoa.net/documents/ADQL/20231215/ directory along with the LaTeX source etc. Failing that it could go on the wiki (the

Yup... it's probably too late for 2.1 (except by way of an erratum), but this is a classic case for ivoatex' AUX_FILES (in the makefile) and then the \auxiliaryurl macro; cf. https://ivoa.net/documents/Notes/IVOATexDoc/20230627/NOTE-ivoatexDoc-1.4-20230627.html#tth_sEc3.6, a few lines down.

molinaro-m commented 6 months ago

I suppose an erratum would do, it seems (to me) on the same level of the erratum issued for MOC-2.0, Erratum 1; maybe in the meantime the BNF file can be placed in the ADQL-2.1 folder (documents/ADQL/20231215) on ivoa.net and manually linked to the ADQL-2.1 landing page (we need to define a place there). I know it looks messy, but we still don't have a standard way to attach auxiliary documents to recommendations on the landing pages, maybe this can work as (one) prototyping example.

mbtaylor commented 6 months ago

I would be happy with Marco's suggestion of putting it in documents/ADQL/20231215 and manually linking it on the ADQL-2.1 landing page if that's not too hard to do.

I don't object to issuing an Erratum as well, but I wouldn't say it's necessary, this is more like an Addendum than Erratum.

gmantele commented 6 months ago

Thank you @mbtaylor for remembering this. It is indeed a good idea to link this document somewhere (in the recommendation or in the landing page)....I should have done it....sorry for that. An Addendum/Erratum seems indeed a good idea too.

If ok with all of you, next week, I can prepare an Erratum for this as well as trying the auxiliaryurl and AUX_FILES features of ivoatex.

In the meantime, manually adding a link on the landing page of ADQL-2.1 may a quick and dirty temporary solution.