ivoa-std / ConeSearch

Simple Cone Search
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ivoid in VOTable response #59

Open gilleslandais opened 10 months ago

gilleslandais commented 10 months ago

I propose to add the ivoid as an in the VOTable header in order to links the result with the dataset described in the registry.

Note that other simple info could also be added see https://www.ivoa.net/documents/DataOrigin/index.html

gmantele commented 10 months ago

Note that other simple info could also be added see https://www.ivoa.net/documents/DataOrigin/index.html

FYI, the ConeSearch service of SIMBAD declares some of the information suggested in DataOrigin. It could be used as an example.

Query example: https://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/cone/?RA=83.6287&DEC=22.0147&SR=0.5&VERB=2&MAXREC=2000&ORDER_BY=distance&ORDER_DIR=ASC&RESPONSEFORMAT=votable