ivoa-std / ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData

ObsCore model extension for radio data
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extend the science case section or appendix #47

Open Bonnarel opened 4 months ago

Bonnarel commented 4 months ago

This issue is there to start writing science cases expressing the need of an ObsCore extension for radio data. Suggestion is to describe each science case in a separate "comment" of this issue. The other people feedback on each specific science case can be done by "quote replying" to this comment.

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying:\ I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg \ II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max} \textit{Morphological study of SNR IC443. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_max less than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} \ Show me all datasets satisfying:\ I. Maximum spatial resolution < 0.017 deg \ II Target IC443 or position inside 15 arcmin from 94.2500000,+22.5699997 \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_max < 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'IC443' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(94.2500000,+22.5699997,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_fov_min} \textit{Select any dataset with minimum field of view larger than 0.8 degree. For instance, investigate the region surrounding cluster Abell 194.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum FOV > 0.8 deg II Target name = Abell 194 or position inside 15 arcmin from 21.5054167, -1.3672221 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE s_fov_min > 0.8 AND (target_name = 'Abell 194' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(21.5054167,-1.3672221,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_fov_min} \textit{Pictor A has a typical angular extension $\theta = 8$ arcminutes , select any image/cube completely containing the target} Show me all datasets satisfying:\ I. Target name = Pictor A \ II. The circle defined by the minimum FOV of the dataset fully contains the circle delimiting Pictor A. \begin{verbatim} WHERE target_name = 'Pictor A' AND CONTAINS(CIRCLE(79.9571789, -45.7788479,(8/60)/2), CIRCLE(s_ra, s_dec, s_fov_min/2)) = 1) \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

The above queries can be run with s_resolution_min and s_fov_max instead of s_resolution_max and s_fov_min respectively, to obtain results in which at least part of the dataset satisfy the condition. For instance, consider datasets with a large observed bandwidth, like those taken with wide/ultrawide band receivers. The condition s_resolution_max<d_typical may not be satisfied. At the same time, the user may want to select those dataset where the desired condition on spatial resolution is matched at least partially within the observed band.

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type} \textit{Select all observations of calibrator source 3C48 with the Medicina Grueff radio telescope at frequencies in the range 20-21 GHz, to investigate its flux variability (light curve) in the years 2000-2023}\ Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Target name = 3C 48 \ II. obs_collection = ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ \ III. Observed frequency in the range 20-21 GHz \ IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or dataproduct_type = map \ V. 51544 < observation time (MJD) < 60309 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE obs_collection EQ ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ AND (em_min >=20000 AND em_max <= 21000) AND (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR dataproduct_type EQ 'map') AND target_name = '3C48' AND (t_min >= 51544 AND t_max <= 60309) \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

alle-ira commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

This use case should be rephrased according to the introduction of a user-defined function to convert from frequency to wavelength values.

loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

does it mean that you want a coverage ( s_fov) big enough to include source + emission ? in this case we would expect a constraint on s_fov_min and not s_resolution_min

or : did you mean s_resolution_min < 0.017 ??? François & Mireille

loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max} \textit{Morphological study of SNR IC443. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_max less than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Maximum spatial resolution < 0.017 deg II Target IC443 or position inside 15 arcmin from 94.2500000,+22.5699997 \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_max < 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'IC443' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(94.2500000,+22.5699997,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

"Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) "

as there is no dataproductype =map , we could rephrase as Select a dataset whose scan mode is raster or on-the-fly ....

loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_fov_min} \textit{Select any dataset with minimum field of view larger than 0.8 degree. For instance, investigate the region surrounding cluster Abell 194.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum FOV > 0.8 deg II Target name = Abell 194 or position inside 15 arcmin from 21.5054167, -1.3672221 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE s_fov_min > 0.8 AND (target_name = 'Abell 194' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(21.5054167,-1.3672221,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

OK , very appropriate. FB & ML

loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - s_fov_min} \textit{Pictor A has a typical angular extension θ=8 arcminutes , select any image/cube completely containing the target} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Target name = Pictor A II. The circle defined by the minimum FOV of the dataset fully contains the circle delimiting Pictor A. \begin{verbatim} WHERE target_name = 'Pictor A' AND CONTAINS(CIRCLE(79.9571789, -45.7788479,(8/60)/2), CIRCLE(s_ra, s_dec, s_fov_min/2)) = 1) \end{verbatim}

Ok well done ML &FB

loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type} \textit{Select all observations of calibrator source 3C48 with the Medicina Grueff radio telescope at frequencies in the range 20-21 GHz, to investigate its flux variability (light curve) in the years 2000-2023} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Target name = 3C 48 II. obs_collection = ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ III. Observed frequency in the range 20-21 GHz IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or dataproduct_type = map V. 51544 < observation time (MJD) < 60309 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE obs_collection EQ ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ AND (em_min >=20000 AND em_max <= 21000) AND (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR dataproduct_type EQ 'map') AND target_name = '3C48' AND (t_min >= 51544 AND t_max <= 60309) \end{verbatim}

'map' is not allowed as dataproduct_type value , but it seems that scan_mode can be used as a constraint like : (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR scan_mode LIKE '%map%') can this work ?


loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

to be completed , if we want to use user defined fonction for frequency conversion . ML

loumir commented 3 months ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

frequencies are expressed in Hz so f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1.0 e+9 AND f_max < 1.5 e+9 ML

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

@Bonnarel We noted that in the latex document you changed the syntax of this query, which instead should remain as it was originally written. Specifically: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max} \textit{Morphological study of SNR IC443. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_max less than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Maximum spatial resolution < 0.017 deg II Target IC443 or position inside 15 arcmin from 94.2500000,+22.5699997 \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_max < 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'IC443' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(94.2500000,+22.5699997,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

"Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) "

as there is no dataproductype =map , we could rephrase as Select a dataset whose scan mode is raster or on-the-fly ....

\subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type} \textit{Select all observations of calibrator source 3C48 with the Medicina Grueff radio telescope at frequencies in the range 20-21 GHz, to investigate its flux variability (light curve) in the years 2000-2023} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Target name = 3C 48 II. obs_collection = ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ III. Observed frequency in the range 20-21 GHz IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or dataproduct_type = map V. 51544 < observation time (MJD) < 60309 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE obs_collection EQ ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ AND (em_min >=20000 AND em_max <= 21000) AND (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR dataproduct_type EQ 'map') AND target_name = '3C48' AND (t_min >= 51544 AND t_max <= 60309) \end{verbatim}

@Bonnarel if frequency must be expressed in KHz, this science case should be changed accordingly, since now em_min and em_max are intended in MHz. Note also that the query use frequency instead of wavelength: either we reformulate the query syntax by converting from frequency to wavelength, or we use f_min and f_max.

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

@Bonnarel if KHz must be the unit for any frequency attribute, this query should be modified as: f_resolution < 1000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

No, eventually after november comments the chosen unit is Hz.

Le 08/05/2024 à 15:23, Alessandra Zanichelli a écrit :

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select
any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral
range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.}

Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II.
spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed
by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT *
FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND
f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000

@Bonnarel https://github.com/Bonnarel if KHz must be the unit for any frequency attribute, this query should be modified as: f_resolution < 1000 AND f_min > 1000 AND f_max < 1500

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData/issues/47#issuecomment-2100567099, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMP5LTDVIZYYBO7LSVE5ZGDZBIRL3AVCNFSM6AAAAABD76YSICVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDCMBQGU3DOMBZHE. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

does it mean that you want a coverage ( s_fov) big enough to include source + emission ? in this case we would expect a constraint on s_fov_min and not s_resolution_min

or : did you mean s_resolution_min < 0.017 ??? François & Mireille

With this science case we intended to focus on investigating the diffuse emission more than on having the whole source in the field of view. In fact, diffuse emission is washed out in case of a too high spatial resolution, hence we put the constraint on s_resolution_min which must be larger than 0.017.

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

D (scan_mode = 'r

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max} \textit{Morphological study of SNR IC443. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_max less than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Maximum spatial resolution < 0.017 deg II Target IC443 or position inside 15 arcmin from 94.2500000,+22.5699997 \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_max < 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'IC443' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(94.2500000,+22.5699997,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

"Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) "

as there is no dataproductype =map , we could rephrase as Select a dataset whose scan mode is raster or on-the-fly ....

This use case actually uses scan_mode for the query.

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

'map' is not allowed as dataproduct_type value , but it seems that scan_mode can be used as a constraint like : (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR scan_mode LIKE '%map%') can this work ?

\subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type} \textit{Select all observations of calibrator source 3C48 with the Medicina Grueff radio telescope at frequencies in the range 20-21 GHz, to investigate its flux variability (light curve) in the years 2000-2023} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Target name = 3C 48 II. obs_collection = ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ III. Observed frequency in the range 20-21 GHz IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or dataproduct_type = map V. 51544 < observation time (MJD) < 60309 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE obs_collection EQ ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ AND (em_min >=20000 AND em_max <= 21000) AND (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR dataproduct_type EQ 'map') AND target_name = '3C48' AND (t_min >= 51544 AND t_max <= 60309) \end{verbatim}

'map' is not allowed as dataproduct_type value , but it seems that scan_mode can be used as a constraint like : (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR scan_mode LIKE '%map%') can this work ?


This could be in principle possibile provided we include also "cube" as a value for dataproduct_type. However, dataproduct_type=spatial_profile would include also skydip datasets which are not useful in this case. In any case, switching from ObsCore radio extension to vocabulary, what should we write in dataproduct_type for raster or otf maps in continuum observations? Do you think we should discuss this topic further?

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

frequencies are expressed in Hz so f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1.0 e+9 AND f_max < 1.5 e+9 ML

We should agree on the frequency units for the various attributes. We see that in Sect 4.2 of the current version of the working draft it is said that f_resolution,f_min and f_max must be in kHz.

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

No, eventually after november comments the chosen unit is Hz. Le 08/05/2024 à 15:23, Alessandra Zanichelli a écrit : \subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim} @Bonnarel https://github.com/Bonnarel if KHz must be the unit for any frequency attribute, this query should be modified as: f_resolution < 1000 AND f_min > 1000 AND f_max < 1500 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#47 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMP5LTDVIZYYBO7LSVE5ZGDZBIRL3AVCNFSM6AAAAABD76YSICVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDCMBQGU3DOMBZHE. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

Ok for Hz. Do you want us to modify all the science cases accordingly?

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

@Bonnarel We noted that in the latex document you changed the syntax of this query, which instead should remain as it was originally written. Specifically: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg

OK. I have seen your answer on the scientific rationale. We didn't catche the intent

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_min} \textit{Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_min larger than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Minimum spatial resolution > 0.017 deg II Target Virgo A or position inside 15 arcmin from 187.7059308,+12.3911232 III Scan mode is raster map or on-the-fly map \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_min > 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'Virgo A' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE,187.7059308,+12.3911232,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

does it mean that you want a coverage ( s_fov) big enough to include source + emission ? in this case we would expect a constraint on s_fov_min and not s_resolution_min or : did you mean s_resolution_min < 0.017 ??? François & Mireille

With this science case we intended to focus on investigating the diffuse emission more than on having the whole source in the field of view. In fact, diffuse emission is washed out in case of a too high spatial resolution, hence we put the constraint on s_resolution_min which must be larger than 0.017.

OK, that's clear now. Maybe you could add a sentence to the phrasing of the science case at the beginning. Something like :

Comparative study of low surface brightness extended emission surrounding compact sources, like for instance Virgo A. In order to avoid washing out of diffuse emission the spatial resolution should not be too high.

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

D (scan_mode = 'r

\subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max} \textit{Morphological study of SNR IC443. Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) with s_resolution_max less than the desired spatial resolution of 1 arcmin.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Maximum spatial resolution < 0.017 deg II Target IC443 or position inside 15 arcmin from 94.2500000,+22.5699997 \begin{verbatim} s_resolution_max < 0.017 AND WHERE (target_name = 'IC443' OR CONTAINS(POINT(s_ra,s_dec),CIRCLE(94.2500000,+22.5699997,0.25)) = 1)) AND (scan_mode = 'raster map' OR scan_mode = 'on-the-fly map') \end{verbatim}

"Select any dataset of type map (raster or on-the-fly) "

as there is no dataproductype =map , we could rephrase as Select a dataset whose scan mode is raster or on-the-fly ....

This use case actually uses scan_mode for the query.

Yes. But we rephrased the initial text of the use case accordingly.

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

No, eventually after november comments the chosen unit is Hz. Le 08/05/2024 à 15:23, Alessandra Zanichelli a écrit : \subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim} @Bonnarel https://github.com/Bonnarel if KHz must be the unit for any frequency attribute, this query should be modified as: f_resolution < 1000 AND f_min > 1000 AND fmax < 1500 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#47 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMP5LTDVIZYYBO7LSVE5ZGDZBIRL3AVCNFSM6AAAAABD76YSICVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDCMBQGU3DOMBZHE. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @_.***>

Ok for Hz. Do you want us to modify all the science cases accordingly?

I have a PR still open. I can easily make the changes (including in section 4.2) in it to fix this. I think the conversion in Hz has been done in most of them.

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

\subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max} \textit{Select any cube with spectral resolution better than 1 MHz and spectral range inside the 1 to 1.5 GHz band.} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Product type is cube II. spectral resolution better than 1 MHz f_min and f_max are computed by means of a user defined function. \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE dataproduct_type = 'cube' AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND f_min > 1000000 AND f_max < 1500000 \end{verbatim}

to be completed , if we want to use user defined fonction for frequency conversion . ML

This is still undecided. Should we vote ? in case we go to user defined functions we should have :

...... AND f_resolution < 1000000 AND ivo_wl_to_freq( em_max) > 1e9 AND ivo_wl_to_freq (em_min) < 1.5e9

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

'map' is not allowed as dataproduct_type value , but it seems that scan_mode can be used as a constraint like : (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR scan_mode LIKE '%map%') can this work ?

\subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type} \textit{Select all observations of calibrator source 3C48 with the Medicina Grueff radio telescope at frequencies in the range 20-21 GHz, to investigate its flux variability (light curve) in the years 2000-2023} Show me all datasets satisfying: I. Target name = 3C 48 II. obs_collection = ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ III. Observed frequency in the range 20-21 GHz IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or dataproduct_type = map V. 51544 < observation time (MJD) < 60309 \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM ivoa.ObscoreRadioExtended WHERE obs_collection EQ ‘INAF-Medicina, single dish’ AND (em_min >=20000 AND em_max <= 21000) AND (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR dataproduct_type EQ 'map') AND target_name = '3C48' AND (t_min >= 51544 AND t_max <= 60309) \end{verbatim}

'map' is not allowed as dataproduct_type value , but it seems that scan_mode can be used as a constraint like : (dataproduct_type EQ 'spatial profile' OR scan_mode LIKE '%map%') can this work ? ML

This could be in principle possibile provided we include also "cube" as a value for dataproduct_type. However, dataproduct_type=spatial_profile would include also skydip datasets which are not useful in this case. In any case, switching from ObsCore radio extension to vocabulary, what should we write in dataproduct_type for raster or otf maps in continuum observations? Do you think we should discuss this topic further?

cube is a data_product type since a long time. spatial_profile has been recently accepted by the TCG. we can still discuss if we really need a map product type or if the scanning mode is enough. Will you attend the radio session remotely ? It's at 6 AM UTC (8 AM central europe time) ?

Bonnarel commented 1 month ago

@alle-ira : you can have a look to the PR which I updated today. The result pdf can be seen in preview artefact under this action : https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData/actions/runs/9029833282 Proposed differences can also be seen as "Files changed" in PR# 62

alle-ira commented 1 month ago

Dear Francois, we checked the artifact of the new PR and we would like to suggest the following changes :-)

1) \subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max}: we propose to rephrase the description as "Select any dataset obtained in map scanning mode (raster or on-the-fly)..."

2) apply to \subsection{Use case - s_fov_min} the same change as above

3) Regarding the \todo in science case \subsection{Use case - s_fov_min B} we are not sure if you intend to explicitly add further science cases as described in the \todo. Maybe our remark may be added as an explanatory sentence at the beginning of the Appendix with references to the appropriate science cases.

4) \subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type}: as we use LIKE instead of EQ, we should rephrase the following: IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or the value for scan_mode contains "map"\

5) \subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max}: the reference to the user defined function to compute f_min and f_max should be removed from this science case.

6) \subsection{Use case - frequency selection for images }: the sentence could be rephrased as "Any image or cube observed at frequencies below 1 GHz."

Cheers, Alessandra & Vincenzo

Bonnarel commented 2 weeks ago

Dear Alessandra,Vincenzo, Sorry for the long delay

Dear Francois, we checked the artifact of the new PR and we would like to suggest the following changes :-)

1. \subsection{Use case - s_resolution_max}:  we propose to rephrase the description as "Select any dataset obtained in  map scanning mode (raster or on-the-fly)..."

OK. done

  1. apply to \subsection{Use case - s_fov_min} the same change as above

OK done

  1. Regarding the \todo in science case \subsection{Use case - s_fov_min B} we are not sure if you intend to explicitly add further science cases as described in the \todo. Maybe our remark may be added as an explanatory sentence at the beginning of the Appendix with references to the appropriate science cases.

Yes I will probably add this text at the beginnig of the Appendix

  1. \subsection{Use case - dataproduct_type}: as we use LIKE instead of EQ, we should rephrase the following: IV. dataproduct_type = spatial_profile or the value for scan_mode contains "map"\

OK done !

  1. \subsection{Use case - f_resolution, f_min, f_max}: the reference to the user defined function to compute f_min and f_max should be removed from this science case.

Unfortunately during the interop almost everybody asked to remove f_min, f_max. (I was actually the only one in favor of that). So I ahev to rephrase everything accordingly.

  1. \subsection{Use case - frequency selection for images }: the sentence could be rephrased as "Any image or cube observed at frequencies below 1 GHz."

OK done

Cheers, Alessandra & Vincenzo

Thanks for everything. Cheers François