ivoflipse / Pawlabeling

Tool for processing and analyzing pressure measurements
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Research data #51

Closed lynforster closed 9 years ago

lynforster commented 10 years ago

Posting to keep track of ideas mostly - focussing on what researchers might want from it, since that's my niche!

Just to check I'm interpreting it all correctly - you have two aims for the program:

1: Clinical assessment: Is Dog A different from the population?

2: Research: Do certain variables affect the study variable of interest, or is it some other confounding factor?

Main study variables: PVF, MVF, VI, Time to PVF, Duty Factor, stance duration, swing duration, and if possible position of foot relative to other feet, and foot width (see later notes on these last two).

Other factors that we care about: speed, cadence, foot (LF/RF/LH/RH), subjective gait, group (before/after treatment, lame/normal, breed, body shape, any other form of grouping as appropriate to the study)

Confounding factors we need to check but aren't interested in per se: acceleration, body weight, measurement id (fatigue, repetition), dog id (some are excitable, some calm), step id (change of surface onto mat), direction

Notes on the above factors

Within foot pressures One thing I haven't addressed is within foot pressures and COP etc., because it's not something I've dealt with. That I would assume would be something best dealt with via the GUI since it's a very visual thing?

Force over time curves Another aspect that is interesting to get into is force over time. This is the same as the average graphs you have in the Analysis tab, but instead of averaging for a single dog it would be an average for all Left Fore contacts for all dogs in Group A, and then the same for Group B, then repeating for the other three feet (or potentially one graph for each foot with curves of the different Groups on it, showing CI curves so significant differences are clear). Those force-time graphs are often included in publications as they give much more info than PVF etc. alone.

Analyse in the program or export? I would suggest that perhaps focus on analysing clinical assessment of individuals within the program but providing an export (.csv?) for research. Reason being, whatever analysis you provide within the program a researcher somewhere will want to do a different form of modelling or stats test ;) so will want a .csv export or similar no matter what analysis is included in the program.

So, what would be ideal is for each measurement to dump a new row for each contact into an internal database of some kind, with each row containing the which can then be exported to .csv, allowing analysis in SPSS or R etc. The research side of things is less visual than the clinical, but if every dog you put in gives you the clinical info on the analysis screen should you want it, whilst also quietly dumping more boring rows of data into the research database, the app would fill both aims simultaneously.

I shall stop now as this post is getting ridiculously long ;)

ivoflipse commented 9 years ago

Most of these factors are recorded by the script I developed for the article. So once I integrate that code, a lot of these factors should be available for analysis and exporting