ivogabe / gulp-typescript

A TypeScript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation support.
MIT License
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Isolate ts-files #605

Closed puggan closed 4 years ago

puggan commented 5 years ago

I have a few ts-scripts, that are executed on separate pages, but may have some common global variable name.

When using gulp.src(['path/*.ts', '!path/*.d.ts']).pipe(ts({"target": "ES5"})).., it trows the error: "error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type."

How do I compile them separated/isolated from each other

Expected behavior: Each file compiled isolated, like tsc a.ts; tsc b.ts; tsc c.ts

Actual behavior: tsc a.ts b.ts c.ts

Your gulpfile: 200 lines: https://pastebin.com/1GGEpjfJ

tsconfig.json no

Code any code that generates TS2717 if compiled together, like: n.ts: const a: number = 1; s.ts: const a: string = "a";

puggan commented 5 years ago

May have solved it using gulp-flatmap: .pipe(flatmap((stream, file) => stream.pipe(ts({"target": "ES5"}))))

puggan commented 5 years ago

flatmap works ok with 2 files, but fails with 3. according to a SO-answer, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34693578/gulp-task-not-completing, "The problem you are facing is actually with the typescript compiler not able to run two instances in parallel,"

puggan commented 5 years ago

The combination gulp-cache, gulp-flatmap and gulp-typescript didn't work together. But after removeing the gulp-cache, things started to work again.

puggan commented 5 years ago

Set up a test project, to try to see what combinations works, and dosn't.


ivogabe commented 4 years ago

gulp-typescript will always compile all files in one namespace. gulp-flatmap sounds indeed like a good solution. It is possible to use multiple instances of gulp-typescript at once, if they do not share a tsproject.

puggan commented 4 years ago

As I end up here when googeling, I'l add the code I used recently:

// ES 5
.pipe(plug.flatmap((stream, file) => stream.pipe(plug.typescript.createProject({"target": "ES5", "lib": ["DOM", "ES5", "ScriptHost", "ES2015.Promise", "ES2015.Iterable"]})())))
// ES 6
.pipe(plug.flatmap((stream, file) => stream.pipe(plug.typescript.createProject({"target": "ES6", "lib": ["DOM", "ES6", "ScriptHost", "DOM.Iterable"]})())))