I bumped into this project. It's something I worked on quite some time ago as well. Here are some domains that I found 5 years ago, when I spent some time looking. IIRC I built some little system to milk mailinator of all the domains they had set up, but it was a quick-n-dirty script, so I don't think I still have it.
I bumped into this project. It's something I worked on quite some time ago as well. Here are some domains that I found 5 years ago, when I spent some time looking. IIRC I built some little system to milk mailinator of all the domains they had set up, but it was a quick-n-dirty script, so I don't think I still have it.
https://github.com/phpList/phplist-plugin-disposablemailblock I keep track in the code there where I found the fake domains, just in case you want to check.
You have domains that I don't have, so that's nice :-)