ivpusic / neo

Go Web Framework
MIT License
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Use cases for event functionality #41

Closed joeblew99 closed 8 years ago

joeblew99 commented 8 years ago

I have not seen a golang web framework that has events like this does.

I was looking for examples to see how and its use cases. Are there any ?

Also it seem to use a bus. Pretty smart.

Very curious and if you have more info / URLs please let me know

ivpusic commented 8 years ago

I have node.js background, so node.je was one of inspirations for this framework. In node.js events are used a lot, I like them, so I wanted to take advantage of events in Go as well.

Usecase can be centralized error handling, implenentation of pub/sub pattern where it could be handy, etc.

joeblew99 commented 8 years ago

Ok thanks