ivy-llc / demos

Demos and Tutorials with Ivy
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Energy Consumption Forecasting Demo #81

Closed NripeshN closed 3 months ago

NripeshN commented 9 months ago

Objective: Utilize ivy to develop a machine learning model that forecasts energy consumption in a building or region. By analyzing historical energy usage data, weather patterns, and other pertinent factors, this project aims to facilitate the optimization of energy usage and contribute to cost reduction efforts. This initiative is particularly relevant for those interested in sustainability, urban planning, and smart infrastructure development.

Task Details:

How to Contribute:

  1. Begin by forking the unifyai/demos repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local system.
  3. Create a new branch dedicated to your work on the Energy Consumption Forecasting demo.
  4. Develop your forecasting model, ensuring to document each step and decision in the Jupyter notebook comprehensively.
  5. Save your notebook and any related model files in the specified Contributor_demos/Energy Consumption Forecasting directory.
  6. After completing your model, push the changes to your forked repository.
  7. Open a Pull Request (PR) to the unifyai/demos repository with a clear and descriptive title, like "Energy Consumption Forecasting Demo Submission".

Contribution Guidelines: