ivy-llc / demos

Demos and Tutorials with Ivy
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Bird Species Identification Demo #82

Closed NripeshN closed 3 months ago

NripeshN commented 9 months ago

Objective: Develop a machine learning model using ivy to accurately identify various bird species from audio recordings of their songs. This project aims to aid bird watchers and conservationists by providing a tool that enhances the understanding and identification of bird species through their unique vocalizations.

Task Details:

How to Contribute:

  1. Fork the unifyai/demos repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch specifically for your work on the Bird Species Identification demo.
  4. Develop your model, ensuring to document each step in the Jupyter notebook, from analyzing audio data to applying machine learning techniques for species identification.
  5. Save your finalized notebook and model files in the Contributor_demos/Bird Species Identification directory.
  6. Push your branch to your forked repository upon completion.
  7. Submit a Pull Request (PR) to the unifyai/demos repository with a title that clearly reflects the project, such as "Bird Species Identification Demo Submission".

Contribution Guidelines:

psood708 commented 5 months ago

Hi @NripeshN checking in on this repository , if I can contribute to this?