ivylabs / suitecrm-data-integration

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Investigate Lead conversion duration value #11

Closed harrisward closed 4 years ago

harrisward commented 4 years ago

The calculation on leads to closed date duration is incorrect as the lead is only pulled in once when the fact happens. This results in the lead that is not closed getting a closed date / duration of the last ETL run. The fact needs to be updated to reflect the latest date that it exists and not the last / first time the fact record was pulling in via the ETL

harrisward commented 4 years ago

Its looks like this field is only used in the old LEADS dashboard which will be replaces and the getLeadsData.ktr for the data export tool. Its possible we can drop this field as we don't really need it. That or we can calculated the latest LEAD_DURATION on a ETL load basis. The problem with basing it on the last ETL load is that the lead duration can still be out of the ETL has not been loaded for a while. The best way is simply to calculate the lead duration based on the creation data and the date the query is run in reports / dashboards

harrisward commented 4 years ago

Removed the duration fields from the CASE and LEAD fact management installation DDL. Removed the LEAD_DURATION and CASE_DURATION fields from the table output. Will look into the logic later