iway1 / react-ts-form

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Array support #97

Open Faithfinder opened 1 year ago

Faithfinder commented 1 year ago

Couldn't find anything about dealing with arrays in the docs. I guess there needs to be native useFieldArray support?

iway1 commented 1 year ago

we have support for arrays, would be good to add a docs page for it though. If you create a schema with .array() you can have array values:

const StringArraySchema = z.string().array();

function StringArrayField() {
  const {field: {onChange, value}} = useTsController<string[]>();

const mapping = [
  [StringArraySchema, StringArrayField]
] as const

At least add examples for:

Any other ideas of examples we'd like to see with arrays?

Faithfinder commented 1 year ago

Well, the case I was trying to implement is an array of objects (or, in other words, a table). So, no, not a string array. The schema looks roughly like this:

    data: z.object({
        id: z.string(),
        name: z.string(),
        abbr: z.string(),
        colour: z.string().nullable()

(the top-level data property is there because RHF doesn't support top-level arrays in useFieldArray)

iway1 commented 1 year ago

you can do that as well:

const RowSchema = z.object({
        id: z.string(),
        name: z.string(),
        abbr: z.string(),
        colour: z.string().nullable()

const TableSchema = ObjectSchema.array();

function MyTable() {
   const {field: {value, onChange}} = useTsController<z.infer<typeof TableSchema>>();

const mapping = [
  [TableSchema, MyTable],
] as const;

TBH I haven't used useFieldArray for dynamic inputs in the past, is there something that's not possible with the above approach that is possible with useFieldArray?

I guess the main motivation would be to make it easier to manipulate the dynamic inputs with things like "remove", "swap", etc? That could be done manually in the library currently, I think, but might be worth thinking about adding support for react hook forms APIs to make it easier

Faithfinder commented 1 year ago

I see. Well, this approach makes me treat the row as a single value, which is not very ergonomic. I guess it's a different topic, but what I want, is for array and object type schemas to be associated with layout, and only ever use useTsController with primitive values.

useFieldArray is for DX, yes

iway1 commented 1 year ago

@Faithfinder Ah I had a typo in my code, should've been typeof TableSchema which would make it so the value is an array of rows. I updated it, sry about that

scamden commented 11 months ago

is for array and object type schemas to be associated with layout, and only ever use useTsController with primitive values.

if i understand you correctly this is now possible via the recursion feature #64

it might be a little more cleanly handled using this proposed FormFragment feature: #129