iway1 / trpc-panel

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Remove `fs": "^0.0.1-security"` from package.json? #66

Closed guybarnard closed 1 year ago

guybarnard commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to remove the fs": "^0.0.1-security" from package.json?

This is an artifact of an old repository on npm that used to include malware, but now points to a broken package with a missing implementation.

While it works fine in classic npm-based bundlers it breaks when installing using pnpm and using vite or esbuild (and in particular astro framework based on these). Removing the line immediately fixes those bundlers. Using the pnpm patch doesn't help as pnpm adds fs before applying the patch. Using the vite config to mark fs as external helps, but in astro the SSR pre-bundle still trips up if the broken fs package is in the catch. It errors saying it can't find the entrypoint of the fs package.

Many thanks for an amazing capability in trpc-panel

iway1 commented 1 year ago

Yep will get rid of that, thanks for the info :)