iway1 / trpc-panel

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fix: .d.ts type error #83

Open xiaoxiangmoe opened 11 months ago

xiaoxiangmoe commented 11 months ago

In TypeScript project without skipLibCheck, it will throw error

Cannot find module '@src/parse/parseNodeTypes' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

Also, https://github.com/iway1/trpc-panel/pull/51 this is wrong. According to https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-4-7.html#packagejson-exports-imports-and-self-referencing, the only way to correct provide types for both Node ESM and CJS is to have two separate declaration files, so we need to generate .d.mts and .d.cts upon build.

So I bundle .d.ts to generate lib/index.d.ts and lib/index.d.mts