iway1 / trpc-panel

MIT License
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feat: Support trpc@11 #95

Open Haschtl opened 7 months ago

Haschtl commented 7 months ago

Maybe a bit early, but the next major release trpc (v11) is on the horizon, basically updating react-query to v5.

trpc-panel does not work with the latest @trpc/server@next version. No procedures are beeing parsed, all resulting in errors Couldn't parse node.

When I revert back to react-query v4 and trpc v10 everything works fine

extendsLcc commented 6 months ago

I looked into this and procedure def changed in tRPC v11 which cause this problem. These changes here https://github.com/extendsLcc/trpc-panel/commit/b380a7b591ac259c8552625efed292450581d616 are enough to make it work with v11 although it need more testing...

MinskLeo commented 1 month ago

I looked into this and procedure def changed in tRPC v11 which cause this problem. These changes here extendsLcc@b380a7b are enough to make it work with v11 although it need more testing...

Hello there from end of May 2024. Looks like we can consider trpc-panel mostly unmaintained now. Sad, but at least your fix works. Thanks.

P.S. Because of such not maintained solutions around tRPC I don't think it's a good idea to start new products using tRPC. tRPC lacks of debugging/manual testing tools out of the box. Slowly, with new updates of tRPC, most of useful tools around it will dissapear...

luskin commented 3 weeks ago

@extendsLcc @MinskLeo Interested in forking and maintaining with us?

extendsLcc commented 3 weeks ago

@extendsLcc @MinskLeo Interested in forking and maintaining with us?

When I actually stumbled with this problem, I thought about attempt to contact @iway1 and ask for maintainer permissions for the project (there is are still some useful community PR hanging there). But I decided to not because of some reasons:

At the moment, I can attempt to re-evaluate the possibility, but still not very confident about it. Also, unfortunately I'm currently not using tRPC (it's laravel), I will return in the future, but right now i don't have a project that I can put the tRPC panel in use to stress test and improve it.

My workaround can be used from here @extendslcc/trpc-panel

codesfromshad commented 2 weeks ago

@extendsLcc @MinskLeo Interested in forking and maintaining with us?

When I actually stumbled with this problem, I thought about attempt to contact @iway1 and ask for maintainer permissions for the project (there is are still some useful community PR hanging there). But I decided to not because of some reasons:

  • I'm not experienced developer, and I'm not sure that I can handle the project with the quality the community expects;
  • I don't have much knowledge about tRPC internals (although is something that can be learned with time), so I'm not sure that I can maintain the project;
  • I was struggling with make ends meet, so I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle this project.

At the moment, I can attempt to re-evaluate the possibility, but still not very confident about it. Also, unfortunately I'm currently not using tRPC (it's laravel), I will return in the future, but right now i don't have a project that I can put the tRPC panel in use to stress test and improve it.

My workaround can be used from here @extendslcc/trpc-panel

Cannot parse Zod objects though. This was such a nice project though.

KROT47 commented 2 weeks ago

forked and fixed request issues here you can just use @metamorph/trpc-panel glhf

codesfromshad commented 2 weeks ago

forked and fixed request issues here you can just use @metamorph/trpc-panel glhf

Hey, King! You dropped this 👑.

Take a bow.


MiloWang2048 commented 4 days ago

forked and fixed request issues here you can just use @metamorph/trpc-panel glhf

The readme in your repo leads to the old trpc-panel package, but it should be your new @metamorph/trpc-panel