iwer / GeotiffLandscape

Unreal Engine Plugin to support geotiff as landscape file format.
MIT License
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modules missing error #3

Closed Hiverize closed 2 years ago

Hiverize commented 2 years ago

I followed the instructions for usage (place plugin in engine plugins folder, write to .uproject and myproject.Build.cs), but I get the following error: Missing modules: The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: GeoReference GeotiffLandscape GeotiffLandscapeEditor

I used engine version 4.25.4 on windows. UnrealGDAL plugin is enabled. Am I missing something?

iwer commented 2 years ago

I think, if you place code plugins into the Engine Plugin directory, you need to recompile the engine including those plugins. Of course this only works on a source build.

It is easier to put additional Plugins into a C++-Projects Plugin directory. Then you only have to recompile your project with the additional Plugins to get working modules for the current engine version.

Maybe I should clarify, that I mean the Projects Plugin directory in the instructions.