iwishiwasaneagle / janhendrikewers.uk

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pydantic-1-vs-2-a-benchmark-test #33

Open utterances-bot opened 6 months ago

utterances-bot commented 6 months ago

Pydantic 1 vs 2: A Speed Comparison

Pydantic v2 claims to be 5-50x faster than v1. Is this accurate? Let's put this to the test!


ayushxx7 commented 6 months ago

thanks for sharing! easy to read/digest... I would be interested to see more comparisons with complex logic.

For instance, how it affects something like this?

import logging
import re
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, validator

log = logging.getLogger("uvicorn")

class InstanceType(Enum):
    g5_x = "ml.g5.xlarge"
    g5_2x = "ml.g5.2xlarge"

class SagemakerBasicConfig(BaseModel):
    instance_type: str
    instance_count: int
    role: str

    def validate_instance_type(cls, instance_type: str):
        return InstanceType(instance_type).value

class SagemakerTrainingConfig(SagemakerBasicConfig):
    entry_point: str
    source_dir: str
    base_job_name: Optional[str]
    use_spot: Optional[bool]
    max_wait: Optional[int]
    max_run: Optional[int]

    def validate_base_job_name(cls, base_job_name: str):
        Example of Job Name
        Valid Example: bi-head-train-predict
        Invalid Example: bi_head_train_predict
        if base_job_name:
            pattern = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,62}$"
            if not re.match(pattern, base_job_name):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid base_job_name. It must follow the pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,62}$"
        return base_job_name

    def to_dict(self):
        The SageMaker API cannot accept certain parameters with values set as None due to which
        we are removing them here.

        botocore.exceptions.ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed:
        Invalid type for parameter StoppingCondition.MaxRuntimeInSeconds, value: None, type: <class 'NoneType'>, valid types: <class 'int'>

        def remove_none_values(data):
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                return {
                    k: remove_none_values(v) for k, v in data.items() if v is not None
            elif isinstance(data, list):
                return [remove_none_values(item) for item in data if item is not None]
                return data

        return remove_none_values(self.dict())

class XGBRankerTrainingConfig(SagemakerTrainingConfig):
    framework_version: str

class HuggingFaceHyperParameters(BaseModel):
    epochs: int
    model_name: str
    fp16: bool
    warmup_steps: int
    learning_rate: float
    train_batch_size: int
    eval_batch_size: int
    eval_steps: Optional[int]
    temperature: Optional[float]
    weight_multiply_factor: Optional[int]

class BiHeadClassifierHyperParameters(BaseModel):
    epochs: int
    model_name: str
    fp16: bool
    warmup_steps: int
    eval_steps: Optional[int]
    train_batch_size_sequence_classifier: int
    eval_batch_size_sequence_classifier: int
    train_batch_size_token_classifier: int
    eval_batch_size_token_classifier: int
    learning_rate_sequence_classification: float
    learning_rate_token_classification: float

class S3Data(BaseModel):
    The estimator fit method can take many path arguments as input

    For bi-head model, we need for 4 paths
        - train
        - test
        - train_covered_words
        - test_covered_words

    The exact paths look like this:

    The s3 file path generation will be handled by the train function.

    bucket_name: str
    s3_prefix: str
    file_paths: List[str]

class PyTorchVersion(Enum):
    V1_13 = "1.13"

class TransformersVersion(Enum):
    V4_26 = "4.26"

class HuggingFaceTrainingConfig(SagemakerTrainingConfig):
    transformers_version: TransformersVersion
    pytorch_version: PyTorchVersion
    py_version: str
    hyperparameters: Union[BiHeadClassifierHyperParameters, HuggingFaceHyperParameters]
    checkpoint_local_path: Optional[str]
    checkpoint_s3_uri: Optional[str]

class HuggingFaceTrainerConfig(BaseModel):
    huggingface_config: HuggingFaceTrainingConfig
    data: S3Data

    _valid_combinations: dict[str, tuple] = {
        # pytorch_version: (transfomrers_version)
        "1.13": ("4.26")

    def validate_transformers_pytorch_compatibility(
        cls, huggingface_config: HuggingFaceTrainingConfig
        Verify that the pytorch and transformers version are compatible with each other as per
        SageMaker images. Plus, convert the Enumerations to Strings because that's the format
        expected by the HuggingFace library.
        huggingface_config.pytorch_version = huggingface_config.pytorch_version.value
        huggingface_config.transformers_version = (

        if not huggingface_config.pytorch_version in cls._valid_combinations:
            raise ValueError("PyTorch version not supported.")

        if (
            not in cls._valid_combinations[huggingface_config.pytorch_version]
            raise ValueError(
                "PyTorch Version and Transformers Version are incompatible."

        return huggingface_config

class XGBRankerTrainerConfig(BaseModel):
    xgb_ranker_training_config: XGBRankerTrainingConfig
    data: S3Data

where we try initiating HuggingFaceTrainingConfig

iwishiwasaneagle commented 6 months ago

@ayushxx7 Thank you for your comment! Given how much faster v2 is than v1 for such a simple task, I'd expect it to do the same for your complex example.