iwonbigbro / gsync

RSync for Google Drive - GSync
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gsync DEBUG: 'Exception': #102

Open sirkserac opened 6 years ago

sirkserac commented 6 years ago


i am having this issue, i copied the google drive share link in here , i get the autorization and after inserting the key i get the debug exception error en gdrive is not syncing the directory.

any id?

some_user@raspberrypi:~ $ gsync drive://drive.google.com/myshared drive pad ~/myHome directory/subfolder Authorization is required to access your Google Drive. Navigate to the following URL: https://accounts.google.com/myauthentication URL Type in the received code: "my recieved code" DEBUG: 'Exception': File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/drive/init.py", line 382, in walk names = self.listdir(top) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/drive/init.py", line 599, in listdir ents = self._query(parentId = str(ent.id))

PjotrekSE commented 5 years ago

Me too