iwonbigbro / gsync

RSync for Google Drive - GSync
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Working well... but overwrites files all the time? #94

Open topranks opened 8 years ago

topranks commented 8 years ago


I recently set up gsync to back up my music collection and all is working for the most part.

I do however have one problem, in that I cannot update existing files. No matter what I do every time I start my sync it will overwrite the files on my Google Drive even though the local copy has not changed. I have tried using -c for checksum comparison as well as time-based but it does the same thing.

For now I'm just doing '--ignore-existing', and given the nature of my files this is probably ok, however I would rather have it working properly and ignoring identical files and not all existing.

I include below the output of the command I've been running most recently, run twice in a row with the '--debug' option. I can't quite spot in the debug why it's overwriting, but maybe some smart person here can show me the error of my ways.



rez@blanch:~$ sudo gsync --debug -c -r -l -t -p -o -g -x -v --progress /home/rez/Music/ drive://Music/ DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:25:(): {'--8-bit-output': 0, '--append': 0, '--backup': 0, '--backup-dir': [], '--bwlimit': [], '--checksum': 1, '--chmod': [], '--compare-dest': [], '--contimeout': [], '--copy-dest': [], '--copy-dirlinks': 0, '--copy-links': 0, '--copy-unsafe-links': 0, '--cvs-exclude': 0, '--debug': 1, '--del': 0, '--delay-updates': 0, '--delete': 0, '--delete-after': 0, '--delete-before': 0, '--delete-delay': 0, '--delete-during': 0, '--delete-excluded': 0, '--dirs': 0, '--dry-run': 0, '--exclude': [], '--exclude-from': [], '--executability': 0, '--existing': 0, '--fake-super': 0, '--files-from': [], '--filter': [], '--force': 0, '--from0': 0, '--fuzzy': 0, '--group': 1, '--hard-links': 0, '--help': 0, '--human-readable': 0, '--ignore-errors': 0, '--ignore-existing': 0, '--ignore-times': 0, '--include': [], '--include-from': [], '--itemize-changes': 0, '--keep-dirlinks': 0, '--links': 1, '--list-only': 0, '--log-file': [], '--log-file-format': [], '--max-delete': [], '--max-size': [], '--min-size': [], '--modify-window': [], '--no-implied-dirs': 0, '--omit-dir-times': 0, '--one-file-system': 1, '--out-format': [], '--owner': 1, '--partial': 0, '--partial-dir': [], '--perms': 1, '--progress': 1, '--protect-args': 0, '--proxy': 0, '--prune-empty-dirs': 0, '--quiet': 0, '--recursive': 1, '--relative': 0, '--remove-source-files': 0, '--safe-links': 0, '--size-only': 0, '--sparse': 0, '--stats': 0, '--suffix': [], '--super': 0, '--temp-dir': [], '--timeout': [], '--times': 1, '--update': 0, '--verbose': 1, '--version': 0, '-F': 0, '-P': 0} DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:54:(): Creating crawler for: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: drive/:174:init(): Initialising drive DEBUG: drive/:191:init(): Initialisation complete DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 2 paths from pathlist('drive://Music') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: root DEBUG: drive/:308:_getCredentialStorage(): Loading storage DEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsync DEBUG: drive/:300:_getConfigFile(): Environment: GSYNC_CREDENTIALS=/home/rez/.gsync/credentials DEBUG: drive/:233:service(): Authenticating DEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsync DEBUG: drive/:242:service(): Loading Google Drive service from config DEBUG: drive/:246:service(): Downloading API service DEBUG: drive/:263:service(): Building Google Drive service from document DEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"root" in parents and trashed = false'} DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 files DEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: root (1 items) DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 1 entities back DEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 1 entities to find 'Music' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Music' to u'Music' DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'Music' DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:61:init(): Dest is a directory, not forcing dest file: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:78:init(): Dest has trailing slash, not forcing dest file: drive://Music/ DEBUG: crawler.py:84:init(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: crawler.py:137:run(): Source srcpath: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:138:run(): Source basepath: '/home/rez/Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:139:run(): Source path: '' DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:25:create(): Creating SyncFileLocal('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('drive://Music/') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:17:create(): Creating SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: crawler.py:147:run(): Enumerating: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:102:_walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:112:_walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music' DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '.' DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '.' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/.' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 22, 11, 30, 9, 896371, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-05-22T11:30:09.896371+00:00 DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 34, 15, 72000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:102:_walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: crawler.py:112:_walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 15, 16, 43, 3, 846341, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-07-15T16:43:03.846341+00:00 DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 3 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k DEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k" in parents and trashed = false'} DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 files DEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k (4 items) DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 4 entities back DEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 4 entities to find '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'REGGAE ARTIST' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'RECORDED VINYL (FLAC)' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'Hip Hop' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 36, 4, 347000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: crawler.py:123:_walk(): Synchronising file: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 4 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES', 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' in path 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc DEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc" in parents and trashed = false'} DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 files DEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc (6 items) DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 6 entities back DEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 6 entities to find 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u"Rihanna ft. Vibez Kartel - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No).mp3" DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u"Mr. Vegas & Jovi Rockwell - Can't Stop Now (Major Lazer).mp3" DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'mandela.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'SIZZLA & ANTHONY RED ROSE - MR.RIGHT.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'Mr Vegas - Old School Hustling (Heavenless).mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:120:_sync(): File timestamp mismatch: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:122:_sync(): * source mtime: 1404141408 DEBUG: sync/:124:_sync(): * destination mtime: 1404141408 DEBUG: sync/:126:_sync(): * delta: datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 936) DEBUG: sync/file/:347:islocal(): self.class.name == SyncFileRemote 00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3 DEBUG: sync/file/:280:_normaliseSource(): type(src) = <class 'libgsync.sync.file.SyncFileInfo'> DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:25:create(): Creating SyncFileLocal('/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3') DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:91:_updateFile(): Updating remote file: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 0 0% 0.00B/s 0:00:00DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:684:update(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'mimeType' = 'audio/mpeg' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'fileSize' = 9588252 DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'modifiedDate' = SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'statInfo' = posix.stat_result(st_mode=33277, st_ino=4567, st_dev=27L, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=9588252, st_atime=1447088752, st_mtime=1404141408, st_ctime=1404141408) DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'title' = 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'path' = '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'md5Checksum' = '101d90168d56bcea6d29192414f969bd' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'description' = 'eJx9j8EKgzAMQO/5ET1Jm7am/sBA8LR9gDjtQVQU0+2wr1/cdGOXkRDS8B5N2pmhnpoh1BybWK+Bb2OERUOalsYgEZTW5QQVUgWlllRKHbVw3qNDeVpLynt698pqCeV/+ph2C8Il4Vi3sZ9CAouB0xfICLEwuQV+MWsX7oJYKNU+mXbL/bGu49wOLFAuf3tCv8+b3aXNPVbNrByhkT7uwP1jo2Rxq4ocOJ6XArIn11pKWA==' DEBUG: drive/:694:update(): mdeia_body type = <class 'googleapiclient.http.MediaFileUpload'> DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 524288 5% 5.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 1048576 10% 10.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 1572864 16% 15.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 2097152 21% 20.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 2621440 27% 2.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 3145728 32% 3.00MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 3670016 38% 3.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 4194304 43% 4.00MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 4718592 49% 4.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 5242880 54% 5.00MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 5767168 60% 2.75MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 6291456 65% 3.00MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 6815744 71% 3.25MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 7340032 76% 3.50MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 7864320 82% 3.75MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 8388608 87% 4.00MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 8912896 92% 4.25MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 9437184 98% 3.00MB/s 0:00:03DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:114:_updateFile(): Final file size: 9588252 9588252 100% 2.29MB/s 0:00:04 DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 DEBUG: sync/file/:242:updateStats(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:248:updateStats(): * Updating with mode: 33277 DEBUG: sync/file/:253:updateStats(): * Updating with uid: 1000 DEBUG: sync/file/:258:updateStats(): * Updating with gid: 1000 DEBUG: sync/file/:270:updateStats(): * Updating with mtime: 1404141408.72 DEBUG: sync/file/:271:updateStats(): * Updating with atime: 1447088752.40 DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:122:_updateStats(): Updating remote file stats: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:684:update(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'description' = 'eJxtjsEKgzAMhu95ET1JW1NbX2BQkB22ByhOexAVi8l22NOv2/QgSEJI+L4f0i0Efm7H4Ilb9mug58QQJeS5K0tlDDjUlYFGmQacTC2E2GetrVVawUUiGmGt0arARKRKMYkCZSphDzvnfVRwz4h9x8McMojlQaAfW/vwSgjh+r/nzdUn7mNaupESrHa73Wxz+tqeGml4fy2bYnyLNRQfUudGjQ==' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'modifiedDate' = '2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936' DEBUG: drive/:694:update(): mdeia_body type = <type 'NoneType'> DEBUG: sync/:200:_sync(): Interrupted

Interrupted sent 19176504 bytes received 0 bytes 3190294.25 bytes/sec close failed in file object destructor: sys.excepthook is missing lost sys.stderr

rez@blanch:~$ sudo gsync --debug -c -r -l -t -p -o -g -x -v --progress /home/rez/Music/ drive://Music/ DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:25:(): {'--8-bit-output': 0, '--append': 0, '--backup': 0, '--backup-dir': [], '--bwlimit': [], '--checksum': 1, '--chmod': [], '--compare-dest': [], '--contimeout': [], '--copy-dest': [], '--copy-dirlinks': 0, '--copy-links': 0, '--copy-unsafe-links': 0, '--cvs-exclude': 0, '--debug': 1, '--del': 0, '--delay-updates': 0, '--delete': 0, '--delete-after': 0, '--delete-before': 0, '--delete-delay': 0, '--delete-during': 0, '--delete-excluded': 0, '--dirs': 0, '--dry-run': 0, '--exclude': [], '--exclude-from': [], '--executability': 0, '--existing': 0, '--fake-super': 0, '--files-from': [], '--filter': [], '--force': 0, '--from0': 0, '--fuzzy': 0, '--group': 1, '--hard-links': 0, '--help': 0, '--human-readable': 0, '--ignore-errors': 0, '--ignore-existing': 0, '--ignore-times': 0, '--include': [], '--include-from': [], '--itemize-changes': 0, '--keep-dirlinks': 0, '--links': 1, '--list-only': 0, '--log-file': [], '--log-file-format': [], '--max-delete': [], '--max-size': [], '--min-size': [], '--modify-window': [], '--no-implied-dirs': 0, '--omit-dir-times': 0, '--one-file-system': 1, '--out-format': [], '--owner': 1, '--partial': 0, '--partial-dir': [], '--perms': 1, '--progress': 1, '--protect-args': 0, '--proxy': 0, '--prune-empty-dirs': 0, '--quiet': 0, '--recursive': 1, '--relative': 0, '--remove-source-files': 0, '--safe-links': 0, '--size-only': 0, '--sparse': 0, '--stats': 0, '--suffix': [], '--super': 0, '--temp-dir': [], '--timeout': [], '--times': 1, '--update': 0, '--verbose': 1, '--version': 0, '-F': 0, '-P': 0} DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:54:(): Creating crawler for: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: drive/:174:init(): Initialising drive DEBUG: drive/:191:init(): Initialisation complete DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 2 paths from pathlist('drive://Music') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: root DEBUG: drive/:308:_getCredentialStorage(): Loading storage DEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsync DEBUG: drive/:300:_getConfigFile(): Environment: GSYNC_CREDENTIALS=/home/rez/.gsync/credentials DEBUG: drive/:233:service(): Authenticating DEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsync DEBUG: drive/:242:service(): Loading Google Drive service from config DEBUG: drive/:246:service(): Downloading API service DEBUG: drive/:263:service(): Building Google Drive service from document DEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"root" in parents and trashed = false'} DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 files DEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: root (1 items) DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 1 entities back DEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 1 entities to find 'Music' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Music' to u'Music' DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'Music' DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:61:init(): Dest is a directory, not forcing dest file: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:78:init(): Dest has trailing slash, not forcing dest file: drive://Music/ DEBUG: crawler.py:84:init(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: crawler.py:137:run(): Source srcpath: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:138:run(): Source basepath: '/home/rez/Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:139:run(): Source path: '' DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:25:create(): Creating SyncFileLocal('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('drive://Music/') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:17:create(): Creating SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: crawler.py:147:run(): Enumerating: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:102:_walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:112:_walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music' DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '.' DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '.' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/.' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 22, 11, 30, 9, 896371, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-05-22T11:30:09.896371+00:00 DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 34, 15, 72000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:102:_walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: crawler.py:112:_walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 15, 16, 43, 3, 846341, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-07-15T16:43:03.846341+00:00 DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 3 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k DEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k" in parents and trashed = false'} DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 files DEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k (4 items) DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 4 entities back DEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 4 entities to find '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'REGGAE ARTIST' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'RECORDED VINYL (FLAC)' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'Hip Hop' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 36, 4, 347000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: crawler.py:123:_walk(): Synchronising file: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 4 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES', 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' in path 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc DEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc" in parents and trashed = false'} DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 files DEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc (6 items) DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 6 entities back DEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 6 entities to find 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u"Rihanna ft. Vibez Kartel - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No).mp3" DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u"Mr. Vegas & Jovi Rockwell - Can't Stop Now (Major Lazer).mp3" DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'mandela.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'SIZZLA & ANTHONY RED ROSE - MR.RIGHT.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'Mr Vegas - Old School Hustling (Heavenless).mp3' DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:120:_sync(): File timestamp mismatch: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/:122:_sync(): * source mtime: 1404141408 DEBUG: sync/:124:_sync(): * destination mtime: 1404141408 DEBUG: sync/:126:_sync(): * delta: datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 936) DEBUG: sync/file/:347:islocal(): self.class.name == SyncFileRemote 00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3 DEBUG: sync/file/:280:_normaliseSource(): type(src) = <class 'libgsync.sync.file.SyncFileInfo'> DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:25:create(): Creating SyncFileLocal('/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3') DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:91:_updateFile(): Updating remote file: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 0 0% 0.00B/s 0:00:00DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:684:update(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'mimeType' = 'audio/mpeg' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'fileSize' = 9588252 DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'modifiedDate' = SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'statInfo' = posix.stat_result(st_mode=33277, st_ino=4567, st_dev=27L, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=9588252, st_atime=1447088752, st_mtime=1404141408, st_ctime=1404141408) DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'title' = 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'path' = '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'md5Checksum' = '101d90168d56bcea6d29192414f969bd' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'description' = 'eJx9j8EKgzAMQO/5ET1Jm7am/sBA8LR9gDjtQVQU0+2wr1/cdGOXkRDS8B5N2pmhnpoh1BybWK+Bb2OERUOalsYgEZTW5QQVUgWlllRKHbVw3qNDeVpLynt698pqCeV/+ph2C8Il4Vi3sZ9CAouB0xfICLEwuQV+MWsX7oJYKNU+mXbL/bGu49wOLFAuf3tCv8+b3aXNPVbNrByhkT7uwP1jo2Rxq4ocOJ6XArIn11pKWA==' DEBUG: drive/:694:update(): mdeia_body type = <class 'googleapiclient.http.MediaFileUpload'> DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 524288 5% 5.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 1048576 10% 10.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 1572864 16% 15.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 2097152 21% 20.00MB/s 0:00:00DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 2621440 27% 2.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 3145728 32% 3.00MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 3670016 38% 3.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 4194304 43% 4.00MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 4718592 49% 4.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 5242880 54% 5.00MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 5767168 60% 5.50MB/s 0:00:01DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 6291456 65% 3.00MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 6815744 71% 3.25MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 7340032 76% 3.50MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 7864320 82% 3.75MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 8388608 87% 4.00MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 8912896 92% 4.25MB/s 0:00:02DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... 9437184 98% 3.00MB/s 0:00:03DEBUG: drive/:711:update(): * uploading next chunk... DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:114:_updateFile(): Final file size: 9588252 9588252 100% 3.05MB/s 0:00:03 DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00 DEBUG: sync/file/:242:updateStats(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:248:updateStats(): * Updating with mode: 33277 DEBUG: sync/file/:253:updateStats(): * Updating with uid: 1000 DEBUG: sync/file/:258:updateStats(): * Updating with gid: 1000 DEBUG: sync/file/:270:updateStats(): * Updating with mtime: 1404141408.72 DEBUG: sync/file/:271:updateStats(): * Updating with atime: 1447088752.40 DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:122:_updateStats(): Updating remote file stats: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722000, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:684:update(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'description' = 'eJxtjsEKgzAMhu95ET1JW1NbX2BQkB22ByhOexAVi8l22NOv2/QgSEJI+L4f0i0Efm7H4Ilb9mug58QQJeS5K0tlDDjUlYFGmQacTC2E2GetrVVawUUiGmGt0arARKRKMYkCZSphDzvnfVRwz4h9x8McMojlQaAfW/vwSgjh+r/nzdUn7mNaupESrHa73Wxz+tqeGml4fy2bYnyLNRQfUudGjQ==' DEBUG: drive/:691:update(): * with: 'modifiedDate' = '2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936' DEBUG: drive/:694:update(): mdeia_body type = <type 'NoneType'> DEBUG: sync/:200:_sync(): Interrupted

Interrupted sent 9588252 bytes received 0 bytes 1803730.01 bytes/sec close failed in file object destructor: sys.excepthook is missing lost sys.stderr rez@blanch:~$ rez@blanch:~$

tyeth commented 8 years ago

Don’t know if this is the sole reason, but a couple of minutes reading the log suggest time issues…

The modified time stored on the google drive end gets supplied a TRUNCATED time as gsync updates it and hundrends of milliseconds lost, leading to a negative match on the next check.

Somewhere in the log after first mp3 file is analysed:

DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'

DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00

DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'

DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722000, tzinfo=tzutc()))

_DEBUG: sync/:120:sync(): File timestamp mismatch: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'

DEBUG: sync/:122:_sync(): * source mtime: 1404141408DEBUG: sync/:124:_sync(): \ destination mtime: 1404141408DEBUG: sync/:126:_sync():

Later on as it uploaded said file:

(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc())) DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: _2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00_DEBUG: sync/file/:242:updateStats(): Updating: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' DEBUG: sync/file/:248:updateStats(): * Updating with mode: 33277 DEBUG: sync/file/:253:updateStats(): * Updating with uid: 1000 DEBUG: sync/file/:258:updateStats(): * Updating with gid: 1000 DEBUG: sync/file/:270:updateStats(): * Updating with mtime: _1404141408.72_DEBUG: sync/file/:271:updateStats(): * Updating with atime: 1447088752.40

Good luck, I always wanted this program to work for me, but sadly the lack of functionality/compatibility makes this rsync project almost dead in the water, and it appears neither I nor most of the community have the time to properly assist.

From: topranks [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 09 November 2015 17:51 To: iwonbigbro/gsync gsync@noreply.github.com Subject: [gsync] Working well... but overwrites files all the time? (#94)


I recently set up gsync to back up my music collection and all is working for the most part.

I do however have one problem, in that I cannot update existing files. No matter what I do every time I start my sync it will overwrite the files on my Google Drive even though the local copy has not changed. I have tried using -c for checksum comparison as well as time-based but it does the same thing.

For now I'm just doing '--ignore-existing', and given the nature of my files this is probably ok, however I would rather have it working properly and ignoring identical files and not all existing.

I include below the output of the command I've been running most recently, run twice in a row with the '--debug' option. I can't quite spot in the debug why it's overwriting, but maybe some smart person here can show me the error of my ways.



rez@blanch:~$ sudo gsync --debug -c -r -l -t -p -o -g -x -v --progress /home/rez/Music/ drive://Music/ DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:25:(): {'--8-bit-output': 0, '--append': 0, '--backup': 0, '--backup-dir': [], '--bwlimit': [], '--checksum': 1, '--chmod': [], '--compare-dest': [], '--contimeout': [], '--copy-dest': [], '--copy-dirlinks': 0, '--copy-links': 0, '--copy-unsafe-links': 0, '--cvs-exclude': 0, '--debug': 1, '--del': 0, '--delay-updates': 0, '--delete': 0, '--delete-after': 0, '--delete-before': 0, '--delete-delay': 0, '--delete-during': 0, '--delete-excluded': 0, '--dirs': 0, '--dry-run': 0, '--exclude': [], '--exclude-from': [], '--executability': 0, '--existing': 0, '--fake-super': 0, '--files-from': [], '--filter': [], '--force': 0, '--from0': 0, '--fuzzy': 0, '--group': 1, '--hard-links': 0, '--help': 0, '--human-readable': 0, '--ignore-errors': 0, '--ignore-existing': 0, '--ignore-times': 0, '--include': [], '--include-from': [], '--itemize-changes': 0, '--keep-dirlinks': 0, '--links': 1, '--list-only': 0, '--log-file': [], '--log-file-format': [], '--max-delete': [], '--max-size': [], '--min-size': [], '--modify-window': [], '--no-implied-dirs': 0, '--omit-dir-times': 0, '--one-file-system': 1, '--out-format': [], '--owner': 1, '--partial': 0, '--partial-dir': [], '--perms': 1, '--progress': 1, '--protect-args': 0, '--proxy': 0, '--prune-empty-dirs': 0, '--quiet': 0, '--recursive': 1, '--relative': 0, '--remove-source-files': 0, '--safe-links': 0, '--size-only': 0, '--sparse': 0, '--stats': 0, '--suffix': [], '--super': 0, '--temp-dir': [], '--timeout': [], '--times': 1, '--update': 0, '--verbose': 1, '--version': 0, '-F': 0, '-P': 0} DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:54:(): Creating crawler for: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: drive/:174:init(): Initialising drive DEBUG: drive/:191:init(): Initialisation complete DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 2 paths from pathlist('drive://Music') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:query(): Checking gcache for parentId: root

_DEBUG: drive/:308:getCredentialStorage(): Loading storageDEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsyncDEBUG: drive/:300:_getConfigFile(): Environment: GSYNC_CREDENTIALS=/home/rez/.gsync/credentialsDEBUG: drive/:233:service(): AuthenticatingDEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsyncDEBUG: drive/:242:service(): Loading Google Drive service from configDEBUG: drive/:246:service(): Downloading API serviceDEBUG: drive/:263:service(): Building Google Drive service from documentDEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"root" in parents and trashed = false'}DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 filesDEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: root (1 items)DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 1 entities backDEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 1 entities to find 'Music'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Music' to u'Music'DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'Music'DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music'DEBUG: crawler.py:61:_init(): Dest is a directory, not forcing dest file: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:78:init(): Dest has trailing slash, not forcing dest file: drive://Music/ DEBUG: crawler.py:84:init(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: crawler.py:137:run(): Source srcpath: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:138:run(): Source basepath: '/home/rez/Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:139:run(): Source path: '' DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:25:create(): Creating SyncFileLocal('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('drive://Music/') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:17:create(): Creating SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: crawler.py:147:run(): Enumerating: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:102:walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/'

DEBUG: crawler.py:112:walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/'DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/'DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music'DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music')DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '.'DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '.'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/.'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 22, 11, 30, 9, 896371, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-05-22T11:30:09.896371+00:00DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = FalseDEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 34, 15, 72000, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/'DEBUG: crawler.py:102:_walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: crawler.py:112:_walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music')DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 15, 16, 43, 3, 846341, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-07-15T16:43:03.846341+00:00DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = FalseDEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 3 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES')DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES']DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing foundDEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1kDEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k" in parents and trashed = false'}DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 filesDEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k (4 items)DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 4 entities backDEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 4 entities to find '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'REGGAE ARTIST'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'RECORDED VINYL (FLAC)'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'Hip Hop'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 36, 4, 347000, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: crawler.py:123:_walk(): Synchronising file: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music')DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = FalseDEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 4 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3')DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES', 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3']DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' in path 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): \ nothing foundDEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5QncDEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc" in parents and trashed = false'}DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 filesDEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc (6 items)DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 6 entities backDEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 6 entities to find 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u"Rihanna ft. Vibez Kartel

Interrupted sent 19176504 bytes received 0 bytes 3190294.25 bytes/sec close failed in file object destructor: sys.excepthook is missing lost sys.stderr

rez@blanch:~$ sudo gsync --debug -c -r -l -t -p -o -g -x -v --progress /home/rez/Music/ drive://Music/ DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:25:(): {'--8-bit-output': 0, '--append': 0, '--backup': 0, '--backup-dir': [], '--bwlimit': [], '--checksum': 1, '--chmod': [], '--compare-dest': [], '--contimeout': [], '--copy-dest': [], '--copy-dirlinks': 0, '--copy-links': 0, '--copy-unsafe-links': 0, '--cvs-exclude': 0, '--debug': 1, '--del': 0, '--delay-updates': 0, '--delete': 0, '--delete-after': 0, '--delete-before': 0, '--delete-delay': 0, '--delete-during': 0, '--delete-excluded': 0, '--dirs': 0, '--dry-run': 0, '--exclude': [], '--exclude-from': [], '--executability': 0, '--existing': 0, '--fake-super': 0, '--files-from': [], '--filter': [], '--force': 0, '--from0': 0, '--fuzzy': 0, '--group': 1, '--hard-links': 0, '--help': 0, '--human-readable': 0, '--ignore-errors': 0, '--ignore-existing': 0, '--ignore-times': 0, '--include': [], '--include-from': [], '--itemize-changes': 0, '--keep-dirlinks': 0, '--links': 1, '--list-only': 0, '--log-file': [], '--log-file-format': [], '--max-delete': [], '--max-size': [], '--min-size': [], '--modify-window': [], '--no-implied-dirs': 0, '--omit-dir-times': 0, '--one-file-system': 1, '--out-format': [], '--owner': 1, '--partial': 0, '--partial-dir': [], '--perms': 1, '--progress': 1, '--protect-args': 0, '--proxy': 0, '--prune-empty-dirs': 0, '--quiet': 0, '--recursive': 1, '--relative': 0, '--remove-source-files': 0, '--safe-links': 0, '--size-only': 0, '--sparse': 0, '--stats': 0, '--suffix': [], '--super': 0, '--temp-dir': [], '--timeout': [], '--times': 1, '--update': 0, '--verbose': 1, '--version': 0, '-F': 0, '-P': 0} DEBUG: /usr/local/bin/gsync:54:(): Creating crawler for: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: drive/:174:init(): Initialising drive DEBUG: drive/:191:init(): Initialisation complete DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 2 paths from pathlist('drive://Music') DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music'] DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://' DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing found DEBUG: drive/:761:query(): Checking gcache for parentId: root

_DEBUG: drive/:308:getCredentialStorage(): Loading storageDEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsyncDEBUG: drive/:300:_getConfigFile(): Environment: GSYNC_CREDENTIALS=/home/rez/.gsync/credentialsDEBUG: drive/:233:service(): AuthenticatingDEBUG: drive/:284:_getConfigDir(): Config dir = /home/rez/.gsyncDEBUG: drive/:242:service(): Loading Google Drive service from configDEBUG: drive/:246:service(): Downloading API serviceDEBUG: drive/:263:service(): Building Google Drive service from documentDEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"root" in parents and trashed = false'}DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 filesDEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: root (1 items)DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 1 entities backDEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 1 entities to find 'Music'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Music' to u'Music'DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'Music'DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music'DEBUG: crawler.py:61:_init(): Dest is a directory, not forcing dest file: 'drive://Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:78:init(): Dest has trailing slash, not forcing dest file: drive://Music/ DEBUG: crawler.py:84:init(): force_dest_file = False DEBUG: crawler.py:137:run(): Source srcpath: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:138:run(): Source basepath: '/home/rez/Music' DEBUG: crawler.py:139:run(): Source path: '' DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:25:create(): Creating SyncFileLocal('/home/rez/Music') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:10:create(): SyncFileFactory.create('drive://Music/') DEBUG: sync/file/factory.py:17:create(): Creating SyncFileRemote('drive://Music') DEBUG: crawler.py:147:run(): Enumerating: '/home/rez/Music/' DEBUG: crawler.py:102:walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/'

DEBUG: crawler.py:112:walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/'DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/'DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music'DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music')DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '.'DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '.'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/.'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 22, 11, 30, 9, 896371, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-05-22T11:30:09.896371+00:00DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = FalseDEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '.'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:466:stat(): Found path in path cache: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 34, 15, 72000, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/'DEBUG: crawler.py:102:_walk(): Walking: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: crawler.py:112:_walk(): Synchronising directory: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music')DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 15, 16, 43, 3, 846341, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2015-07-15T16:43:03.846341+00:00DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = FalseDEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 3 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES')DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES']DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): * nothing foundDEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1kDEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k" in parents and trashed = false'}DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 filesDEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhY3dza1BBa3h4N1k (4 items)DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 4 entities backDEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 4 entities to find '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'REGGAE ARTIST'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'RECORDED VINYL (FLAC)'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'Hip Hop'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' to u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:452:_findEntity(): Found u'00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:524:stat(): Found 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:68:getInfo(): Remote mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 6, 17, 36, 4, 347000, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/:65:_sync(): Defaulting destination directory: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: sync/:90:_sync(): Folder size differs, so what...?: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: crawler.py:123:_walk(): Synchronising file: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/:34:_sync(): Synchronising: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/:338:relativeTo(): Creating relative path from '^/home/rez/Music/+' and '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/:37:_sync(): Destination: SyncFileRemote('drive://Music')DEBUG: sync/:38:_sync(): Relative: '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/:193:getPath(): Joining: '/home/rez/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:30:getInfo(): Fetching local file metadata: '/home/rez/Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/local/:59:getInfo(): Local mtime: SyncFileInfoDatetime(datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 15, 16, 48, 722936, tzinfo=tzutc()))DEBUG: sync/file/local/:64:getInfo(): Local mtime: 2014-06-30T15:16:48.722936+00:00DEBUG: sync/:52:_sync(): force_dest_file = FalseDEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:31:getPath(): Joining: '/Music' with '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:34:getPath(): * got: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: sync/file/remote/:56:getInfo(): Fetching remote file metadata: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:462:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:488:stat(): Got 4 paths from pathlist('drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3')DEBUG: drive/:489:stat(): Got paths: ['drive://', 'Music', '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES', 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3']DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Music' in path 'drive://'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for '00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES' in path 'drive://Music'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:497:stat(): Searching for 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' in path 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES'DEBUG: drive/:503:stat(): Checking pcache for path: 'drive://Music/00-ONE-AWAY-TUNES/Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:506:stat(): \ nothing foundDEBUG: drive/:761:_query(): Checking gcache for parentId: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5QncDEBUG: drive/:791:_query(): Executing query: {'q': '"0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc" in parents and trashed = false'}DEBUG: drive/:795:_query(): Query returned 4 filesDEBUG: drive/:802:_query(): Updating google cache: 0B8wJv_G6_wRhWnlrQllJLTI5Qnc (6 items)DEBUG: drive/:509:stat(): Got 6 entities backDEBUG: drive/:445:_findEntity(): Iterating 6 entities to find 'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3'DEBUG: drive/:450:_findEntity(): comparing u'Gappy Ranks ft. Million Stylez - Life.mp3' to u"Rihanna ft. Vibez Kartel

Interrupted sent 9588252 bytes received 0 bytes 1803730.01 bytes/sec close failed in file object destructor: sys.excepthook is missing lost sys.stderr rez@blanch:~$ rez@blanch:~$

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/iwonbigbro/gsync/issues/94.

topranks commented 8 years ago

Thank you for looking tyeth it is most appreciated.

I can see what you mean there, I had compared these lines but not looked at the milisecond value. I can see 722936 on the remote is compared to 722000 locally. With real 'rsync' before I've often set the time-compare function to several seconds to prevent any such issues, however I don't think gsync provides this option.

I also assumed that with the '-c' switch it would compare the file checksum/bytes total, and not use time to compare.

Anyway I will dig in further, as I say I can make do with '--ignore-existing' as these are music files and are unlikely to change, but occasionally I might edit ID3 tags or similar and would like it to spot and update the backup too.

Thanks again!


tyeth commented 8 years ago

A pleasure.

By the way the remote time is the one ending 000, I imagine the delta-time function could be updated, or alternatively look into how the mtime gets updated particularly where the .722936 gets rounded/truncated to .72 [See copied line below]

DEBUG: sync/file/:270:__updateStats(): * Updating with mtime:


From: topranks [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: 10 November 2015 11:24 To: iwonbigbro/gsync gsync@noreply.github.com Cc: tyeth tyeth@lelan.co.uk Subject: Re: [gsync] Working well... but overwrites files all the time? (#94)

Thank you for looking tyeth it is most appreciated.

I can see what you mean there, I had compared these lines but not looked at the milisecond value. I can see 722936 on the remote is compared to 722000 locally. With real 'rsync' before I've often set the time-compare function to several seconds to prevent any such issues, however I don't think gsync provides this option.

I also assumed that with the '-c' switch it would compare the file checksum/bytes total, and not use time to compare.

Anyway I will dig in further, as I say I can make do with '--ignore-existing' as these are music files and are unlikely to change, but occasionally I might edit ID3 tags or similar and would like it to spot and update the backup too.

Thanks again!


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/iwonbigbro/gsync/issues/94#issuecomment-155394105.[image: https://github.com/notifications/beacon/AGYc8xfa4DjjW9dxIjYwzNweOZeMtXCzks5pEcs8gaJpZM4GeyVc.gif]

topranks commented 8 years ago

FWIW I left this as it was for the past few months.

I've since discovered rclone (http://rclone.org/) which seems to work better. Thanks to all the people for the work on gsync and in this forum.