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Web Programming Basics Log | Ian’s CSP Blog #5

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Web Programming Basics Log | Ian’s CSP Blog

Review ticket for web programming basics


trevorhuang1 commented 1 year ago

I can tell you put a lot of effort into this test!

hanlunli commented 1 year ago

HTML code incorporates the wireframe representation in the hacks (+0.5)

Javascript code cell in notebook creates 2 objects, California and Nevada, performs operations on elements in each object to modify and log data (+0.5)

Javascript code includes a function that modifies HTML code to change link. (+0.5)

Has a javascript code cell that compares 2 numbers, A and B, that returns the greater one (+0.5)

Has code cells that show corrections made to the 3 code cells, corrected code functions as intended (+0.5)

Each notebook has utterances and reviewer comments (+1)

Has a summary review ticket that summarizes all changes made and explains code (+0.5)

iwu78 commented 1 year ago

Self Grade:

All hacks are completed and attempt to go beyond instructions given, read above for more details (+2.4)

Notebook has all hacks working and up, and has reviewer comments (+0.9)

Review ticket describes in detail everything done, slightly unclear about what instructions mean by keep track of all grades of others. Comments of peer grades are above (+0.4)

advikg commented 1 year ago

Overall, a really good job.