Blog was very easy to understand. However, the images were not always aligned with the requirement collumn. for example, the image under the "Code that creates like/dislike buttons and updates with each click." I am assuming contributes to the second collegeboard requirement. However, it looks like it is there to answer the "At least one procedure that contributed to the program’s intened purpose where you have defined: the name, return type, one or more parameters:" which it fails to do. I would format the page better and put more space in between images to make it more clear which image connects to which requirement.
The video was well made, however at some points it went way too fast, and I would reccomend adding more captions. For example, at 25 seconds, You went incredibly quick pressing public and search, and I have no idea why or what that does. Add more captions at 25 seconds to explain that portion of the video.
Blog Post/Meeting CPT Requirements Video