iwyg / filemanager

Filemanager for Symphony CMS
13 stars 11 forks source link

new uploaded files always created on the root folder. #32

Open jferrervalls opened 11 years ago

jferrervalls commented 11 years ago

Hello, I'm using the master version with Symphony 2.3.4

It's working fine except for these :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.js:1 a.widget._mouseMove jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.js:1 _mouseMoveDelegate jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.js:1 x.event.dispatch jquery-2.0.3.js:4676 y.handle

As a consequence of these two errors, it's not possible to get files in subfolders.

Should I try another branch or is the master one the newest ?

Thanks for help

iwyg commented 11 years ago

Yes, jquery-ui 1.8.* is not compatible with jquery 2.0.3.

So your best chance is to replace it with more recent version of jquery-ui. I noticed however that, when minified, there will be a different error raised by jquery-ui (e.g. when moving files/directories), but I don't have figured out what causes this.

Since I don't actively maintain this repo anymore (saw the deprecated flag?), you can't expect that there will be a fix anytime soon unless someone is willing to do this.