ixahmedxi / orbitkit

🚀 Orbitkit is a monorepo starterkit aiming to be the foundation you build your next startup or big idea upon.
MIT License
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A CLI #56

Closed kareemmahlees closed 1 week ago

kareemmahlees commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. As per docs, Orbitkit requires manual setup and installation which seems an excellent scenario for a CLI!

Describe the solution you'd like A CLI, inspired by create-t3-app, that performs the same exact steps ( at least for know ) mentioned in the installation section.

Describe alternatives you've considered N/A

Additional context This feature is related to #21, although achieving the desired outcome mentioned in the issue will require notable changes in how the repo is structured ( or not! ). As for now the CLI can just perform the manual steps of installation, and in the future additional features and decisions could be made. If this is acceptable I can gladly make a PR for it!

cowboycodr commented 2 weeks ago

Considering that (aside from configuring .env variables) it is only two steps. Cloning, and installing dependencies. I don't really think it is necessary and I believe better time can be spend working on OrbitKit itself.

I left out configuring .env variables because often times you might start your project (or at least clone it) before you have all of your .env variables configured.

That being said it would definitely be helpful. Probably just not worth time time.

ixahmedxi commented 1 week ago

It would be nice to have in the far future, but i think the main objective now is to get the starterkit complete.

kareemmahlees commented 1 week ago

Seems reasonable. Will close this for now, feel free to reopen it whenever you see the time fits to tackle it.