ixc / ixc-django-docker

Scripts and config files that make it easier to run Django projects consistently with and without Docker.
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Alternative approach to settings bootstrap #10

Open markfinger opened 6 years ago

markfinger commented 6 years ago

Rather than using split-settings to load a bunch of settings files, can we simply import the project_settings.py file which will explicitly name the settings modules imported?

# At the top of project_settings.py

from ixc_django_docker.settings.base.py import *
from ixc_django_docker.settings.compressor.py import *
from ixc_django_docker.settings.logentries.py import *
from ixc_django_docker.settings.storages.py import *
from ixc_django_docker.settings.whitenoise.py import *

The primary goal is reducing the magic so that we can get a more easily understandable ramp-up for new developers.

Also secondary benefits of making it easier for IDEs to jump to the settings file.

markfinger commented 6 years ago

@jmurty: Tai indicated that a bunch of the changes to the settings system were a by-product of your input. Do you have thoughts here?

markfinger commented 6 years ago

To clarify

a by-product of your input

I meant that they were made in response to issues that you had raised.

mrmachine commented 6 years ago

@markfinger @jmurty

I had a go at rewriting ixc_django_docker/settings/__init__.py as an actual settings module for a project... and I'm not convinced that where I ended up was any better...

1) I ended up losing the useful (I think) verbose printing of what's actually being imported (in an attempt to keep the boilerplate to a minimum when it appears alongside actual project settings) and having to put most of the boilerplate up the top and some at the bottom (overrides); OR

2) basically just reproducing the existing ixc_django_docker/settings/__init__.py as-is in project_settings/__init__.py and forcing a settings package (vs just a module) on the project, and then the only benefit is that you don't need to look into the venv to see which or how settings are loaded, but you do still need to look into the venv to see what the loaded settings do...

I think it's probably not worth it, although what I attempted is a little different than what @markfinger has suggested (vanilla imports)...

I do still think that using django-split-settings is the way to go, because using vanilla imports as suggested makes it impossible for the single purpose settings bundled with ixc-django-docker to alter settings that have come before it (e.g. base settings).

For example, you can't have a debug_toolbar.py that does INSTALLED_APPS += ('debug_toolbar', ) and then do from ixc_django_docker.settings.debug_toolbar import * or a develop.py that alters an existing setting dict. You end up with a really complex chain of imports to follow (what we had before), instead of an easy to digest list of files that are included in the order given, and each having access to the context of the ones that came before.

These are the reasons why we moved away from vanilla imports to django-split-settings in the first place, as ixc-django-docker's base settings were growing, becoming more tightly coupled, and making assumptions that aren't always true (e.g. that every project uses django-compressor).

I'd like ixc-django-docker to be able to offer solutions to the problems we encounter when running on ephemeral infrastructure and scaling horizontally, without forcing a project to use all of the packages we recommend to solve those problems, so a project can pick and choose or completely go it alone. I think composable single purpose settings modules help a lot with that.

And there's nothing stopping us from ignoring ixc-django-docker's default settings and doing anything you want in project_settings.py, if it really does get in the way. I've already done that in other projects, mostly just to keep the settings refactor to a minimum when dockerizing them (and pinched bits from ixc-django-docker where useful).

I'm currently more inclined to:

markfinger commented 6 years ago

How about we move the split-settings imports into the project's settings. Eg:

# At the top of project_settings.py
from split_settings.tools import include


# project settings continue from here...
mrmachine commented 6 years ago

@markfinger that's what I tried, but you don't pass module named you pass file paths, and we need some extra logic to include dotenv or override settings (develop, test, staging, production), and we either lose the (I think) useful printout of what's actually being imported OR end up with a tonne of messy boilerplate in project settings...

import os

from split_settings.tools import include, optional
import ixc_django_docker.settings

# Directory containing ixc-django-docker settings modules.

# Directory containing project settings modules.
PROJECT_SETTINGS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# Settings file to include from both ixc-django-docker and project settings
# directories.
    '%s.py' % os.environ['DOTENV']

# Include `ixc-django-docker` settings.
include(os.path.join(IXC_DJANGO_DOCKER_SETTINGS_DIR, s) for s in (
    # 'celery.py',
    # 'celery_email.py',
    # 'extensions.py',
    # 'haystack.py',
    # 'master_password.py',
    # 'nose.py',
    # 'post_office.py',
    # 'redis_cache.py',
    # 'sentry.py',

# Include `ixc-django-docker` override settings.

# Include project settings OR replace with your actual project settings.
include(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, s) for s in (

# Include project override settings.
include(optional(os.path.join(PROJECT_SETTINGS_DIR, s)) for s in (

Is this really any better than just having a comment that points you to docs or a diagram or ixc_django_docker/settings/__init__.py to discover how it works? You still have to jump into the venv to see what the base and optional ixc-django-docker settings modules do.

Like I said, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from implementing exactly this (or something else) in your project without making any change to ixc-django-docker. You might need to set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=project_settings in .env.base to completely disable ixc_django_docker/settings/__init__.py.

But I think that it's important for ixc-django-docker to provide a usable settings module out of the box that enables/includes settings that solve the ephemeral/scaling issues that come with running Django on Docker, even if only to be used as a reference example.

But, I do think I can make it do a better job in looking for local overrides when given a Python module instead of a Python package as DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, to fix #7

markfinger commented 6 years ago

Nah, that's fair enough. We've attempted the easy workarounds, and it seems like none are viable.

I'm happy to roll with things

mrmachine commented 6 years ago

@markfinger Here's where I've tried to explain simply how to configure the settings that get included: https://github.com/ixc/ixc-django-docker/blob/6d7191679fe26a42871050d84d6f790087015a4a/README.rst#about-settings-modules

Would linking to this have been better than linking to ixc_django_docker/settings/__init__.py in a code comment?

jmurty commented 6 years ago

I don't have much to add here. My only other thought about how to make the settings less opaque from within a project would be to have a more explicit project settings file template in ixc-jango-docker that could be imported into a project and optionally re-imported if/when there are updates to ixc-jango-docker that you want to use in the project.

But I am tending towards trying to solve the inherent complexity of the settings with clear and easily-found documentation, rather than shifting it around. I don't think there is a way to eliminate it, just hide it more or less well.

jmurty commented 6 years ago

A good starting point for documenting the settings might be a relatively simple table describing each setting module/file, what it does, and the settings you might most often need to tweak with clear guidance on where to apply the tweak (before or after the default settings are loaded)

markfinger commented 6 years ago


Would linking to this have been better than linking to ixc_django_docker/settings/init.py in a code comment?

Yeah, sounds good.