ixjf / MSIRGB

Alternative to MSI Mystic Light for controlling motherboard LEDs, without the fixed 7 colour limitation.
ISC License
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Archive of custom scripts #135

Closed dmsergeevich63 closed 3 years ago

dmsergeevich63 commented 4 years ago

I think I didn’t write something brilliant, but I don’t understand why the repository does not yet have a theme with all custom scripts? Or what did I not see? Yes, there are three standard scripts, is that really all? My script runs in 3 modes by the hour: 7 to 21: Slow color change and full brightness 21 to 22: the same, only with minimum brightness 22 to 7: minimum brightness and red, it has the lowest brightness compared to other colors and is quite beautiful My computer is quite close to the sofa and at night or while watching movies it can stand out a lot, I have to adjust the backlight manually!

local i = 0
local t
local saturation = 0.933
local brightness = 1
local delay = 800 -- delay between each colour update, in milliseconds
local colour_step = 1.1

--depends on your cooling, marks start and end of color wheel
local Tmax=83
local Tmin=40

while true do

        print (os.date ("%H"))
    if t<=21 and  t>=7 then
        if t==21 then
        saturation = 0.001
        else saturation =0.933
    local r, g, b = Lighting.ColourUtils.HSVtoRGB((i % 98.0) / 98.0, saturation, brightness)

    r = tonumber(("%x"):format(r * 15), 16)
    g = tonumber(("%x"):format(g * 15), 16)
    b = tonumber(("%x"):format(b * 15), 16)

    for i = 1, 8 do
        Lighting.SetColour(i, r, g, b)


    i = i + colour_step


        local r, g, b = Lighting.ColourUtils.HSVtoRGB((1.666-1)%1, 0.001, brightness)
        r =tonumber(("%x"):format(14), 16)
        g =tonumber(("%x"):format(15), 16)
        b =tonumber(("%x"):format(15), 16)

        for i = 1, 8 do
            Lighting.SetColour(i, r, g, b)
ixjf commented 4 years ago

There are 4 scripts in the repository, which are the ones that I created to demonstrate potential usage of MSIRGB. Anyone is free to contribute and add different effects.

In your case, it seems to be the same effect as the Hue Wheel (or a mix of hue wheel and solid colour) but tailored to your specific use case, so I don't know if it should qualify as a different effect.

Also, while I appreciate the effort and you sharing your work, it does not meet my code quality standards, so I wouldn't add it to the repository as-is (bad indentation, repeated code, unused variables, useless prints, and code that I don't really understand, specifically, the part where you define r, g, b for night time).

Then again, maybe it's my fault for making the tool rely heavily on coding to achieve custom effects. It seems my user base would probably prefer a more feature-rich GUI, but I'm not sure how to do that without making MSIRGB too limited.

ixjf commented 4 years ago

If you would like to review your code for submission, I will leave this issue open. Otherwise, I'll close it soon.