ixkaito / frasco

Quick starter for Jekyll including full setup for Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, stylelint, TypeScript, Webpack, ESLint, imagemin, Browsersync, etc.
MIT License
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Revving static files #15

Closed S1SYPHOS closed 3 years ago

S1SYPHOS commented 7 years ago

Hey there, would you like for static assets to be revisioned? Revving them, writing stuff to a manifest.json, maybe in Jekyll's _data folder, then referencing them, you know?

ixkaito commented 7 years ago


Thanks for your idea! The more simple and flexible structure would be better. Do you think this is?

S1SYPHOS commented 7 years ago

@ixkaito Totally, but it's your call - I'll provide an idea so you may see for yourself!

ixkaito commented 7 years ago

@S1SYPHOS Thanks! I'll also check by myself!

S1SYPHOS commented 7 years ago

I'd like to separate source files (everything going into the site) and config/node files (node_modules, package.json, gulpfile.js etc stay at root level), so the sctructure be

├── app
│   ├── _includes
│   ├── _posts
│   ├── _layouts
│   ├── ...
│   └── index.html
├── dist (renamed _site)
│   └── ...
├── package.json
├── gulpfile.js
├── frasco.webpack.config
├── ...

just a thought :v:

ixkaito commented 7 years ago


Thanks! I know this will make the structure more clear, but I want this project to be available for GitHub Pages simply to push it. Also, for Jekyll beginners, I think it's better to have the default Jekyll structure, e.g. _layouts, _includes, _posts, _site etc.

S1SYPHOS commented 7 years ago

I totally understand this, thanks

ixkaito commented 3 years ago

@S1SYPHOS Released v1.0.0 but didn't change the file structure. Thank you for your issue again.