ixmaps / website2017

Website for the IXmaps project
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

LEARN ISSUES Revisions #44

Closed Andrew-Clement closed 7 years ago

Andrew-Clement commented 7 years ago

@Dawn, Here are my proposed revisions (typo corrections >>, additional material and images) to incorporate in the beta version.

lmk if you have any questions.


Where on earth does your personal data travel?

etc. …your
REPLACE WITH etc., your

How to Use Ixmaps to map data travel

Go to the Map, where you will see the traceroute from nearest your location. REPLACE WITH Go to the Map, where you will see recent traceroutes from nearest your location.

REMOVE the video as it is obsolete and misleading

INSTEAD, REPLACE WITH these basic instructions and illustration :

To see other routes from near you: <\begin indent> Click in the From box, to show the menu choices Select your ISP, City or Country, or a combination of these, entering the relevant information. Click Search. <\indent>

You will see mapped the most recent route that meets these conditions. On the right is the number of routes found and brief details about them. You can map these other routes by clicking on their TR ID number. Below the traceroute information, is the Carriers table with summary information about the various ISPs or carriers that handle the mapped route(s). pastedgraphic-6

How to Use Ixmaps to map NSA interception

The Map shows 18 U.S. cities where reported and suspected NSA interception facilities are located. REPLACE WITH The Map shows 18 U.S. cities where reported and suspected NSA interception facilities are located. These are indicated as

AT&T (e.g. program code-named Fairview) and Verizon (e.g. Stormbrew) click on the Layers button in the upper right and select their respective entries: REPLACE WITH AT&T (program code-named Fairview) and Verizon (Stormbrew), click on the Layers button in the upper right and select their respective entries: pastedgraphic-9

What is boomerang routing, and what does it mean for Canadian network sovereignty?

How to Use Ixmaps to map boomerang routing

ADD this:

To see examples of boomerang routing, <\begin indent> In the From box, select your country In the To box, select your country again In the Via box, select US or another third country. Click Search <\indent>

Which ISPs can access your data and how privacy transparent are they?

How to Use Ixmaps to map ISP data access

On the lower right of the , take a look at the Carrier table. It lists the ISPs or carriers that handle the data in the currently mapped traceroutes. The Routers column indicates the total number of routers for each carrier. The Transparency column shows the total number of stars we awarded them on our 10 criteria. Click on the carriers with star scores to learn more details or read our reports covering all the carriers we rated.


dcwalk commented 7 years ago

I've made these changes excepting the NSA icon. We removed all the other icon signposting and the image directly below has it in it, I'm hoping that will be sufficient?