ixmilia / dxf

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How can you add grade reference points (e.g. "# 7") to the DXF? #174

Closed elimtailor closed 2 years ago

elimtailor commented 2 years ago

We want to grade DXFs programmatically, but the DXF files don't have grade reference points to start (we have to choose them). Is there a way we can add those to the DXF object and save it back to file with a subset of points denoted as grade reference points?


brettfo commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by grading a reference point as number 7, etc. Can you provide sample files, ideally a before and after of the same file with graded reference points so I can better understand? If you can't share the files publicly here, you can email them directly to me at brett.forsgren@outlook.com and I'll keep them private and delete them as soon as I'm done.

elimtailor commented 2 years ago

Thanks @brettfo for resolving my issue over email! I wanted to follow up for anyone else having the same issue:

var myFile = DxfFile.Load(“Example2b.dxf”);

foreach (var myBlock in myFile.Blocks)


    for (int i = 0; i < myBlock.Entities.Count; i++)


        var myEntity = myBlock.Entities[i];

        if (myEntity is DxfModelPoint myPoint)


            var pointReferenceText = GetPointReference(myPoint);

            if (pointReferenceText != null)


                // create the TEXT item at the same location as the point with the correct text…

                var referenceText = new DxfText(myPoint.Location, pointReferenceText);

                // …and insert it right after in the list

                myBlock.Entities.Insert(i + 1, referenceText);




