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使用 sigminer 进行突变模式分析 #241

Closed ixxmu closed 4 years ago

ixxmu commented 4 years ago


github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

使用 sigminer 进行突变模式分析 by 生信菜鸟团

上周一我们生信菜鸟团的周一 “肿瘤基因测序数据分析专栏” 在:嫌弃cosmic数据库的30个肿瘤突变signatures? 预告了如果对COSMIC数据库的30个signature不满意,有全新的R包工具可以帮助大家自定义signature,然后我在生信技能树介绍了一个:使用R包SomaticSignatures进行denovo的signature推断,马上收到了我们生信技能树早期元老,王诗翔老铁对他自己开发的工具《sigminer》的强烈推荐,所以立马在这里打call发布《sigminer》的教程哈!如下:

官方文档:https : //shixiangwang.github.io/sigminer-doc/

突变模式分析(Mutual Signature Analysis)已经逐步成为变异检测后一个通用分析,本文简单介绍如何使用sigminer进行突变模式分析,以解决2大分析任务:

  • 从头发现签名
  • 已知一些参考Signatures,我们想要定量Signature的Exposure(或称为Activity)



BiocManager::install("sigminer", dependencies = TRUE)




sigminer的开发与maftools很有渊源,使用MAF对象作为数据的存储结构。如果你会使用maftools读入突变数据,那么就会使用sigminer读入突变数据,支持  data.frame 和MAF文件。


laml.maf <- system.file("extdata", "tcga_laml.maf.gz", package = "maftools", mustWork = TRUE)
laml <- read_maf(maf = laml.maf)
#> -Reading
#> -Validating
#> -Silent variants: 475
#> -Summarizing
#> -Processing clinical data
#> --Missing clinical data
#> -Finished in 0.290s elapsed (0.269s cpu)
# 与 maftools::read.maf(maf = laml.maf) 结果是一样的
# read_maf 是对 read.maf 的封装


使用  sig_tally() 对突变进行归类整理,针对MAF对象,支持设置  mode 为'SBS','DBS','ID'以及'ALL'。

mode 为'ALL`时会试图生成所有矩阵:

mats <- mt_tally <- sig_tally(
ref_genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",
useSyn = TRUE,
mode = "ALL"

str(mats, max.level = 1)
#> List of 6
#> $ SBS_6 : int [1:193, 1:6] 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ SBS_96 : int [1:193, 1:96] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ SBS_1536 : int [1:193, 1:1536] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ ID_28 : int [1:193, 1:28] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ ID_83 : int [1:193, 1:83] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ APOBEC_scores:Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame': 182 obs. of 44 variables:
#> ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
#> ..- attr(*, "index")= int(0)
#> .. ..- attr(*, "__APOBEC_Enriched")= int [1:182] 106 147 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...


mt_tally$SBS_96[1:5, 1:5]
#> A[T>C]A C[T>C]A G[T>C]A T[T>C]A A[C>T]A
#> TCGA-AB-2802 0 0 0 0 0
#> TCGA-AB-2803 0 0 0 0 2
#> TCGA-AB-2804 0 0 0 0 2
#> TCGA-AB-2805 0 0 0 0 0
#> TCGA-AB-2806 0 0 0 0 0


show_catalogue(mt_tally$SBS_96 %>% t(), mode = "SBS", style = "cosmic")
show_catalogue(mt_tally$SBS_6 %>% t(), mode = "SBS", style = "cosmic")




est <- sig_estimate(mt_tally$SBS_96, range = 2:5, nrun = 2, pConstant = 1e-9, verbose = TRUE)
#> Compute NMF rank= 2 ... + measures ... OK
#> Compute NMF rank= 3 ... + measures ... OK
#> Compute NMF rank= 4 ... + measures ... OK
#> Compute NMF rank= 5 ... + measures ... OK
#> Estimation of rank based on observed data.
#> method seed rng metric rank sparseness.basis sparseness.coef rss evar
#> 2 brunet random 1 KL 2 0.588 0.653 1924 0.411
#> 3 brunet random 1 KL 3 0.648 0.623 1875 0.426
#> 4 brunet random 1 KL 4 0.685 0.633 1802 0.448
#> 5 brunet random 1 KL 5 0.698 0.687 1723 0.472
#> silhouette.coef silhouette.basis residuals niter cpu cpu.all nrun
#> 2 1.000 1.000 2880 1040 0.496 4.86 2
#> 3 0.769 0.830 2718 800 0.409 4.72 2
#> 4 0.656 0.767 2543 1790 0.946 1.82 2
#> 5 0.609 0.712 2415 1750 1.044 5.23 2
#> cophenetic dispersion silhouette.consensus
#> 2 0.888 0.576 0.712
#> 3 0.802 0.577 0.494
#> 4 0.784 0.655 0.473
#> 5 0.748 0.700 0.398

这里加入了一个  pConstant = 1e-9,是因为NMF包调用矩阵分解存在bug,一个分类的和不能为0。报错就加一个伪小数,不报错就可以不管。




sigs <- sig_extract(mt_tally$SBS_96, n_sig = 4, nrun = 2, pConstant = 1e-9)

生成的是一个带  Signature 类信息的列表:

str(sigs, max.level = 1)
#> List of 6
#> $ Signature : num [1:96, 1:4] 2.67e-16 7.00 6.00 1.00 1.06e-07 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ Signature.norm: num [1:96, 1:4] 4.86e-19 1.27e-02 1.09e-02 1.82e-03 1.93e-10 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ Exposure : num [1:4, 1:193] 3.687 4.047 0.243 2.023 2.402 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ Exposure.norm : num [1:4, 1:193] 0.3687 0.4047 0.0243 0.2023 0.1716 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> $ K : int 4
#> $ Raw :List of 3
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr "Signature"
#> - attr(*, "nrun")= num 2
#> - attr(*, "method")= chr "brunet"
#> - attr(*, "pConstant")= num 1e-09
#> - attr(*, "seed")= num 123456
#> - attr(*, "call_method")= chr "NMF"



p <- show_sig_profile(sigs, mode = "SBS", style = "cosmic")

接下来可以计算下它与COSMIC签名的相似性,评估病因,对于SBS有2个COSMIC数据库版本legacy(30个,目前最常用的)与SBS v3。

get_sig_similarity(sigs, sig_db = "legacy")
#> -Comparing against COSMIC signatures
#> ------------------------------------
#> --Found Sig1 most similar to COSMIC_6
#> Aetiology: defective DNA mismatch repair [similarity: 0.797]
#> --Found Sig2 most similar to COSMIC_1
#> Aetiology: spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine [similarity: 0.8]
#> --Found Sig3 most similar to COSMIC_15
#> Aetiology: defective DNA mismatch repair [similarity: 0.535]
#> --Found Sig4 most similar to COSMIC_1
#> Aetiology: spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine [similarity: 0.89]
#> ------------------------------------
#> Return result invisiblely.
sim <- get_sig_similarity(sigs, sig_db = "SBS")
#> -Comparing against COSMIC signatures
#> ------------------------------------
#> --Found Sig1 most similar to SBS6
#> Aetiology: defective DNA mismatch repair [similarity: 0.803]
#> --Found Sig2 most similar to SBS1
#> Aetiology: spontaneous or enzymatic deamination of 5-methylcytosine [similarity: 0.737]
#> --Found Sig3 most similar to SBS15
#> Aetiology: Defective DNA mismatch repair [similarity: 0.567]
#> --Found Sig4 most similar to SBS1
#> Aetiology: spontaneous or enzymatic deamination of 5-methylcytosine [similarity: 0.878]
#> ------------------------------------
#> Return result invisiblely.
add_labels(p, x = 0.72, y = 0.25, y_end = 0.9, labels = sim, n_label = 4)



SignatureAnalyzer提供的变异NMF提供了自动提取Sigantures的功能,无需要自己判断提取的sign数量,这个可以通过  sig_auto_extract() 实现。该算法会生成更大的稀疏(相互之间相互)的签名,因此偏向于生成更多的从我多年研究签名的经验来看,它对于单点突变还是非常友好的。

sigs2 <- sig_auto_extract(mt_tally$SBS_96, nrun = 2)
#> Warning: [ONE-TIME WARNING] Forked processing ('multicore') is disabled
#> in future (>= 1.13.0) when running R from RStudio, because it is
#> considered unstable. Because of this, plan("multicore") will fall
#> back to plan("sequential"), and plan("multiprocess") will fall back to
#> plan("multisession") - not plan("multicore") as in the past. For more details,
#> how to control forked processing or not, and how to silence this warning in
#> future R sessions, see ?future::supportsMulticore
#> 载入程辑包:'purrr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:foreach':
#> accumulate, when
#> The following object is masked from 'package:XVector':
#> compact
#> The following object is masked from 'package:GenomicRanges':
#> reduce
#> The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
#> reduce
#> Select Run 2, which K = 2 as best solution.


p <- show_sig_profile(sigs2, mode = "SBS", style = "cosmic")





get_sig_exposure(sigs2) %>% head()
#> sample Sig1 Sig2
#> 1: TCGA-AB-2802 0.000 9.50
#> 2: TCGA-AB-2803 0.000 13.06
#> 3: TCGA-AB-2804 0.000 6.75
#> 4: TCGA-AB-2805 0.000 13.06
#> 5: TCGA-AB-2806 0.911 12.18
#> 6: TCGA-AB-2807 0.000 23.86
get_sig_exposure(sigs2, type = "relative") %>% head()
#> Filtering the samples with no signature exposure:
#> TCGA-AB-2823 TCGA-AB-2834 TCGA-AB-2840 TCGA-AB-2848 TCGA-AB-2892 TCGA-AB-2909 TCGA-AB-2942
#> sample Sig1 Sig2
#> 1: TCGA-AB-2802 0.0000 1.00
#> 2: TCGA-AB-2803 0.0000 1.00
#> 3: TCGA-AB-2804 0.0000 1.00
#> 4: TCGA-AB-2805 0.0000 1.00
#> 5: TCGA-AB-2806 0.0696 0.93
#> 6: TCGA-AB-2807 0.0000 1.00


show_sig_exposure(sigs, rm_space = TRUE, style = "cosmic")


这个比较有名的软件就是deconstructSigs了。sigminer也支持了这个功能,而且能够使用目前cosmic的所有图谱,也可以使用自己从头发现的签名  sig_fit()

我们试着处理5个样本(支持单样本),使用COSMIC v2 30个签名作为参考。

examp_fit <- sig_fit(mt_tally$SBS_96[1:5, ] %>% t(), sig_index = "ALL", sig_db = "legacy")
#> TCGA-AB-2802 TCGA-AB-2803 TCGA-AB-2804 TCGA-AB-2805 TCGA-AB-2806
#> COSMIC_1 3.129 10.00 7 13.6 10.8
#> COSMIC_2 0.895 0.00 0 0.0 0.0
#> COSMIC_3 0.000 0.00 0 0.0 0.0
#> COSMIC_4 0.000 1.72 0 0.0 0.0
#> COSMIC_5 0.000 0.00 0 0.0 0.0
#> COSMIC_6 1.088 0.00 0 0.0 0.0


show_sig_fit(examp_fit, palette = NULL) + ggpubr::rotate_x_text()
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: Started.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: Checking input format.
#> ✓ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: Checked.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: Checking filters.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: Checked.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: Plotting.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:33]: 0.048 secs elapsed.


palette = NULL, plot_fun = "scatter",
signatures = paste0("COSMIC_", c(1, 2, 4, 6, 19))
) + ggpubr::rotate_x_text()
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: Started.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: Checking input format.
#> ✓ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: Checked.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: Checking filters.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: Checked.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: Plotting.
#> ! [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: When plot_fun='scatter', setting legend='top' is recommended.
#> ℹ [2020-06-07 16:06:34]: 0.047 secs elapsed.

上面展示了最核心的分析和可视化功能,sigminer还支持很多功能,我就不再出现了。用户可以阅读官方文档  https://shixiangwang.github.io/sigminer-doc/进一步  学习,后续我会根据研究情况进一步开发。当然,读者完全可以基于上面的分析的结果值进行各种个性化分析。

要是觉得不错,欢迎去GitHub https://github.com/ShixiangWang/sigminer 点个Star。阅读原文可以直达哦
