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SCENIC单细胞转录因子预测|4.精简版流程 #3584

Closed ixxmu closed 1 year ago

ixxmu commented 1 year ago


ixxmu commented 1 year ago

SCENIC单细胞转录因子预测|4.精简版流程 by Biomamba 生信基地








3.1. 计算共表达网络

genesKept <- geneFiltering(exprMat, scenicOptions)
## Maximum value in the expression matrix: 421
## Ratio of detected vs non-detected: 0.24
## Number of counts (in the dataset units) per gene:
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.0 17.0 48.0 146.8 137.0 5868.0
## Number of cells in which each gene is detected:
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.00 10.00 25.00 39.01 60.00 180.00
## Number of genes left after applying the following filters (sequential):
##  771 genes with counts per gene > 6
##  770 genes detected in more than 2 cells
## Using the column 'features' as feature index for the ranking database.
##  770 genes available in RcisTarget database
## Gene list saved in int/1.1_genesKept.Rds

exprMat_filtered <- exprMat[genesKept, ]
runCorrelation(exprMat_filtered, scenicOptions)
exprMat_filtered_log <- log2(exprMat_filtered+1)

# 基因共表达网络计算
mymethod <- 'runGenie3' # 'grnboost2'
runGenie3(exprMat_filtered_log, scenicOptions)
arb.algo = import('arboreto.algo')
tf_names = getDbTfs(scenicOptions)
tf_names = Seurat::CaseMatch(
search = tf_names,
match = rownames(exprMat_filtered))
adj = arb.algo$grnboost2(
tf_names=tf_names, seed=2023L
colnames(adj) = c('TF','Target','weight')
## Using 8 TFs as potential regulators...
## Warning in runGenie3(exprMat_filtered_log, scenicOptions): Only 8 (0%) of the 1721 TFs in the database were found in the dataset. Do they use the same gene IDs?
## Running GENIE3 part 1
## Running GENIE3 part 10
## Running GENIE3 part 2
## Running GENIE3 part 3
## Running GENIE3 part 4
## Running GENIE3 part 5
## Running GENIE3 part 6
## Running GENIE3 part 7
## Running GENIE3 part 8
## Running GENIE3 part 9
## Finished running GENIE3.

3.2. 构建并计算基因调控网络活性(GRN score)

exprMat_log <- log2(exprMat+1)
scenicOptions@settings$dbs <- scenicOptions@settings$dbs["10kb"] # Toy run settings
scenicOptions <- runSCENIC_1_coexNetwork2modules(scenicOptions)
## 02:16    Creating TF modules
## Number of links between TFs and targets (weight>=0.001): 6139
##            [,1]
## nTFs 8
## nTargets 770
## nGeneSets 47
## nLinks 17299

scenicOptions <- runSCENIC_2_createRegulons(scenicOptions, coexMethod=c("top5perTarget")) # Toy run settings
## 02:17    Step 2. Identifying regulons
## Attaching package: 'AUCell'
## The following object is masked from 'package:SCENIC':
## plotEmb_rgb
## Using the column 'features' as feature index for the ranking database.
## tfModulesSummary:
##               [,1]
## top5perTarget 8
## 02:17    RcisTarget: Calculating AUC
## Using the column 'features' as feature index for the ranking database.
## Scoring database:  [Source file: mm9-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather]
## 02:17    RcisTarget: Adding motif annotation
## Using BiocParallel...
## Number of motifs in the initial enrichment: 867
## Number of motifs annotated to the matching TF: 126
## 02:17    RcisTarget: Pruning targets
## Using the column 'features' as feature index for the ranking database.
## [1] 22058
## 02:19    Number of motifs that support the regulons: 126
##  Preview of motif enrichment saved as: output/Step2_MotifEnrichment_preview.html

scenicOptions <- runSCENIC_3_scoreCells(scenicOptions, exprMat_log)
## 02:19    Step 3. Analyzing the network activity in each individual cell
##  Number of regulons to evaluate on cells: 14
## Biggest (non-extended) regulons:
## Tef (405g)
## Sox9 (150g)
## Irf1 (104g)
## Sox8 (97g)
## Sox10 (88g)
## Dlx5 (35g)
## Stat6 (27g)
## Quantiles for the number of genes detected by cell: 
## (Non-detected genes are shuffled at the end of the ranking. Keep it in mind when choosing the threshold for calculating the AUC).
##    min     1%     5%    10%    50%   100% 
## 46.00 58.99 77.00 84.80 154.00 342.00
## Warning in .AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets = geneSets, rankings = rankings, nCores =
## nCores, : Using only the first 58.99 genes (aucMaxRank) to calculate the AUC.
## Using 8 cores with doMC.
## 02:19    Finished running AUCell.
## 02:19    Plotting heatmap...
## 02:19    Plotting t-SNEs...
## Warning in file.rename(plotsName, file.path(plotsLoc, plotsName)):
## cannot rename file 'Step3_RegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity' to
## 'output/Step3_RegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity', reason 'Directory not empty'

# 通过交互的shiny app选择判定二元矩阵的阈值,这里Rmarkdown不便展示,大家可以自行尝试一下
# aucellApp <- plotTsne_AUCellApp(scenicOptions, exprMat_log)
# savedSelections <- shiny::runApp(aucellApp)
# newThresholds <- savedSelections$thresholds
# scenicOptions@fileNames$int["aucell_thresholds",1] <- "int/newThresholds.Rds"
# saveRDS(newThresholds, file=getIntName(scenicOptions, "aucell_thresholds"))

scenicOptions <- runSCENIC_4_aucell_binarize(scenicOptions)#将AUCell矩阵二元化
## Binary regulon activity: 6 TF regulons x 197 cells.
## (11 regulons including 'extended' versions)
## 6 regulons are active in more than 1% (1.97) cells.
## Warning in AUCell_plotTSNE(tSNE = tSNE, exprMat = exprMat, cellsAUC =
## regulonAUC, : Expression plot was requested, but no expression matrix provided.
## Warning in file.rename(plotsName, file.path(plotsLoc, plotsName)):
## cannot rename file 'Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity' to
## 'output/Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity', reason 'Directory not
## empty'

3.3. 一些下游的可视化与探索

tsneAUC(scenicOptions, aucType="AUC") #利用AUCell score运行tsne
## [1] "int/tSNE_AUC_50pcs_30perpl.Rds"

# Export:
# saveRDS(cellInfo, file=getDatasetInfo(scenicOptions, "cellInfo")) # Temporary, to add to loom
if(!file.exists('output/scenic.loom')){export2loom(scenicOptions, exprMat)}

saveRDS(scenicOptions, file="int/scenicOptions.Rds")#保存结果

### Exploring output
# output下存放的scenic.loom文件可以用这个网站做交互式的可视化: http://scope.aertslab.org

# motif富集的相关信息在:
#output/Step2_MotifEnrichment_preview.html in
motifEnrichment_selfMotifs_wGenes <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "motifEnrichment_selfMotifs_wGenes")
tableSubset <- motifEnrichment_selfMotifs_wGenes[highlightedTFs=="Sox8"]#这样查看Sox8的信息

regulonTargetsInfo <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "regulonTargetsInfo")
tableSubset <- regulonTargetsInfo[TF=="Stat6" & highConfAnnot==TRUE]

#计算并展示每种细胞类型特异性的(celltype Cell-type specific regulators (RSS)),类似于拿RGN的活性来计算调控
regulonAUC <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "aucell_regulonAUC")
rss <- calcRSS(AUC=getAUC(regulonAUC), cellAnnotation=cellInfo[colnames(regulonAUC), "CellType"], )
rssPlot <- plotRSS(rss)
## Loading required package: grid
## ========================================
## ComplexHeatmap version 2.12.1
## Bioconductor page: http://bioconductor.org/packages/ComplexHeatmap/
## Github page: https://github.com/jokergoo/ComplexHeatmap
## Documentation: http://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference
## If you use it in published research, please cite either one:
## - Gu, Z. Complex heatmaps reveal patterns and correlations in multidimensional
## genomic data. Bioinformatics 2016.
## - Gu, Z. Complex Heatmap Visualization. iMeta 2022.
## The new InteractiveComplexHeatmap package can directly export static
## complex heatmaps into an interactive Shiny app with zero effort. Have a try!
## This message can be suppressed by:
## suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ComplexHeatmap))
## ========================================
## Showing regulons and cell types with any RSS > 0.01 (dim: 14x5)
## Loading required package: ggplot2


3.4 输出文件


├── scenic.loom
├── Step2_MotifEnrichment_preview.html
├── Step2_MotifEnrichment.tsv
├── Step2_regulonTargetsInfo.tsv
├── Step3_RegulonActivity_heatmap
├── Step3_RegulonActivity_heatmap.pdf
├── Step3_RegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_expression.png
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_expression.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_expression.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_expression.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_expression.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_expression.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_expression.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_expression.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_expression.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_expression.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_expression.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_expression.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_expression.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Tef_extended (447g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Tef_extended (447g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Tef_extended (447g)_expression.png
│   └── Tef_extended (447g)_histogram.png
├── Step3_RegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity.html
├── Step3_RegulonActivity_tSNE_colByCellProps.pdf
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_Heatmap_all.pdf
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_Heatmap_corr.pdf
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_Heatmap_onePercent.pdf
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5 (35g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Dlx5_extended (214g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Irf1 (104g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Irf1_extended (108g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox10 (88g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox10_extended (114g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox8 (97g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox8_extended (136g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox9 (150g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Sox9_extended (183g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Stat6 (27g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Stat6_extended (75g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_binaryAUC.png
│   ├── Tef (405g)_histogram.png
│   ├── Tef_extended (447g)_AUC.png
│   ├── Tef_extended (447g)_binaryAUC.png
│   └── Tef_extended (447g)_histogram.png
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByActivity.html
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByAUC.pdf
├── Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByCellProps.pdf
└── Step4_BoxplotActiveCellsRegulon.pdf


3.4.1 我人肉总结归纳的结果

  • “int/1.4_GENIE3_linkList.Rds”

  • “int/2.1_tfModules_forMotifEnrichmet.Rds” list文件,保存的是经Motif富集检验得到的TF模块

  • “int/2.3_motifEnrichment.Rds”

  • “int/2.4_motifEnrichment_selfMotifs_wGenes.Rds”
    存放构建regulon包含的target gene信息

  • “output/Step2_MotifEnrichment.tsv”

  • “output/Step2_MotifEnrichment_preview.html”

  • “int/2.5_regulonTargetsInfo.Rds”

  • “output/Step2_regulonTargetsInfo.tsv”

  • “int/2.6_regulons_asGeneSet.Rds”
    # regulon信息,包含高/低置信度的regulon的标注

  • “int/3.1_regulons_forAUCell.Rds”

  • “int/3.3_aucellRankings.Rds”
    AUCell ranking的结果

  • “int/3.2_aucellGenesStats.pdf”
    AUCell ranking的结果可视化图片

  • “int/3.4_regulonAUC.Rds”
    AUCell score计算结果

  • “int/3.5_AUCellThresholds.Rds”
    存放在AUCell判断regulon on/off时的阈值

  • “int/3.5_AUCellThresholds_Info.tsv”
    AUCell 的阈值、细胞、基因数等信息记录

  • “output/Step3_RegulonActivity_heatmap”
    AUCell score 热图

  • “output/Step3_RegulonActivity_tSNE_colByCellProps.pdf”
    利用regulon score的TSNE可视化结果

  • “int/4.1_binaryRegulonActivity.Rds”

  • “output/Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_Heatmap_notCorr”

  • “output/Step4_BinaryRegulonActivity_tSNE_colByCellProps.pdf”

3.4.2 ChatGPT的回答

  • scenic.loom

  • Step2_MotifEnrichment_preview.html
    展示了motif enrichment可视化结果的html文件。

  • Step2_MotifEnrichment.tsv
    motif enrichment表格文件,包含每个转录因子集合的motif分数。

  • Step2_regulonTargetsInfo.tsv
    每个regulon涵盖的基因、Gene Ontology、Pathway与OmniPath分析的信息。

  • Step3_RegulonActivity_heatmap