Closed ixxmu closed 4 months ago
❝分享个新鲜出炉的 R 包,RNAseqQC 可以给你的 counts 数据做个全面的质量评估,非常简单,基本上一行代码就可出图。
输入数据是一个 counts 矩阵和 表型 数据:
count_mat <- counts(T47D)
meta <- data.frame(colData(T47D))
# count matrix; rownames must be ENSEMBL gene IDs
count_mat[head(which(rowSums(count_mat) > 0)), 1:10]
#> veh_WT_rep1 veh_WT_rep2 veh_WT_rep3 veh_WT_rep4 veh_D538G_rep1
#> ENSG00000223972 5 3 3 6 4
#> ENSG00000278267 2 3 2 4 2
#> ENSG00000227232 80 91 95 97 65
#> ENSG00000243485 1 2 1 2 0
#> ENSG00000237613 0 0 0 1 0
#> ENSG00000239945 7 5 7 4 5
#> veh_D538G_rep2 veh_D538G_rep4 veh_Y537S_rep1 veh_Y537S_rep2
#> ENSG00000223972 1 6 3 5
#> ENSG00000278267 2 2 2 2
#> ENSG00000227232 70 73 74 65
#> ENSG00000243485 2 3 1 1
#> ENSG00000237613 0 0 0 0
#> ENSG00000239945 5 5 1 5
#> veh_Y537S_rep3
#> ENSG00000223972 3
#> ENSG00000278267 2
#> ENSG00000227232 89
#> ENSG00000243485 1
#> ENSG00000237613 0
#> ENSG00000239945 7
# metadata of the samples, where row i corresponds to column i in the count matrix
#> treatment mutation replicate
#> veh_WT_rep1 veh WT rep1
#> veh_WT_rep2 veh WT rep2
#> veh_WT_rep3 veh WT rep3
#> veh_WT_rep4 veh WT rep4
#> veh_D538G_rep1 veh D538G rep1
#> veh_D538G_rep2 veh D538G rep2
#> veh_D538G_rep4 veh D538G rep4
#> veh_Y537S_rep1 veh Y537S rep1
#> veh_Y537S_rep2 veh Y537S rep2
#> veh_Y537S_rep3 veh Y537S rep3
#> veh_Y537S_rep4 veh Y537S rep4
#> veh_D538G_rep3 veh D538G rep3
#> E2_WT_rep1 E2 WT rep1
#> E2_WT_rep2 E2 WT rep2
#> E2_WT_rep3 E2 WT rep3
#> E2_WT_rep4 E2 WT rep4
#> E2_Y537S_rep1 E2 Y537S rep1
#> E2_Y537S_rep2 E2 Y537S rep2
#> E2_Y537S_rep3 E2 Y537S rep3
#> E2_Y537S_rep4 E2 Y537S rep4
#> E2_D538G_rep1 E2 D538G rep1
#> E2_D538G_rep2 E2 D538G rep2
#> E2_D538G_rep3 E2 D538G rep3
#> E2_D538G_rep4 E2 D538G rep4
然后创建一个 DESeqDataSet,然后就可以画 QC 图了:
dds <- make_dds(counts = count_mat, metadata = meta, ah_record = "AH89426")
vsd <- vst(dds)
map(c("1", "5", "14"), ~plot_chromosome(vsd, .x))
#> [[1]]
# define new grouping variable
colData(vsd)$trt_mut <- paste0(colData(vsd)$treatment, "_", colData(vsd)$mutation)
ma_plots <- plot_sample_MAs(vsd, group = "trt_mut")
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = ma_plots[17:24], ncol = 2)
# set seed to control random annotation colors
plot_sample_clustering(vsd, anno_vars = c("treatment", "mutation", "replicate"), distance = "euclidean")
plot_pca(vsd, PC_x = 1, PC_y = 2, color_by = "treatment", shape_by = "mutation")
plot_pca(vsd, PC_x = 1, PC_y = 2, color_by = "ENSG00000223972")
pca_res <- plot_pca(vsd, show_plot = FALSE)
plot_loadings(pca_res, PC = 1, annotate_top_n = 5)
plot_loadings(pca_res, PC = 1, highlight_genes = c("CD34", "FLT1", "MAPT"))
plot_loadings(pca_res, PC = 4, color_by = "gene_biotype", show_plot = F)$plot +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
plot_pca_scatters(vsd, n_PCs = 5, color_by = "treatment", shape_by = "mutation")
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
plot_gene("CLEC2B", dds, x_var = "mutation", color_by = "treatment")
# design variables need to be factors
# since we update the design of the dds
# object, we have to do it manually
dds$mutation <- as.factor(dds$mutation)
dds$treatment <- as.factor(dds$treatment)
design(dds) <- ~ mutation + treatment
dds <- DESeq(dds, parallel = T)
# get testing results
de_res <- lfcShrink(dds, coef = "mutation_WT_vs_D538G", lfcThreshold = log2(1.5), type = "normal", parallel = TRUE)
# MA plot
plot_ma(de_res, dds, annotate_top_n = 5)
plot_ma(de_res, dds, highlight_genes = c("CLEC2B", "PAGE5", "GAPDH"))
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