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2024年7月8日,百奥智汇创始人、科学顾问,北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)主任张泽民院士课题组联合北大肿瘤医院武爱文课题组,在国际期刊Cancer Cell上发表了题为Spatiotemporal single-cell analysis decodes cellular dynamics underlying different responses to immunotherapy in Colorectal Cancer的研究论文。该研究动态追踪了结直肠癌患者在免疫治疗下原位癌灶及外周系统的时空变化,通过系统性鉴定“细胞程序”揭示了肿瘤微环境中多种细胞类型在免疫治疗过程中的协同演化规律,进一步解析了外周免疫系统对免疫治疗疗效的关键作用,建立了基线水平外周CD8+ T细胞的激活状态与患者疗效的关联,为理解免疫治疗响应差异提供了新的视角。
Oliveira, G., and Wu, C.J. (2023). Dynamics and specificities of T cells in cancer immunotherapy. Nat Rev Cancer 23, 295–316.
Philip, M., and Schietinger, A. (2022). CD8+ T cell differentiation and dysfunction in cancer. Nature Reviews Immunology 22, 209–223.
Riaz, N., Havel, J.J., Makarov, V., Desrichard, A., Urba, W.J., Sims, J.S., Hodi, F.S., Martín-Algarra, S., Mandal, R., Sharfman, W.H., et al. (2017). Tumor and Microenvironment Evolution during Immunotherapy with Nivolumab. Cell 171, 934-949.e16.
Cohen, M., Giladi, A., Barboy, O., Hamon, P., Li, B., Zada, M., Gurevich-Shapiro, A., Beccaria, C.G., David, E., Maier, B.B., et al. (2022). The interaction of CD4+ helper T cells with dendritic cells shapes the tumor microenvironment and immune checkpoint blockade response. Nature Cancer 3, 303–317.
Hiam-Galvez, K.J., Allen, B.M., and Spitzer, M.H. (2021). Systemic immunity in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 21, 345–359.
Spitzer, M.H., Carmi, Y., Reticker-Flynn, N.E., Kwek, S.S., Madhireddy, D., Martins, M.M., Gherardini, P.F., Prestwood, T.R., Chabon, J., Bendall, S.C., et al. (2017). Systemic Immunity Is Required for Effective Cancer Immunotherapy. Cell 168, 487-502.e15.