iyashjayesh / monigo

MoniGo is a performance monitoring library for Go apps, offering real-time insights into service-level and function-level metrics. With an intuitive UI, it enables developers to track and optimize performance. Get your Go app's dashboard up in just 10 seconds!
Apache License 2.0
240 stars 10 forks source link

Gitignore workaround #21

Closed sula7 closed 4 weeks ago

sula7 commented 1 month ago
  1. .DS_Store file must be excluded
  2. Go vendoring isn't actual, go mod is instead
  3. Some devs use Jetbrains Goland IDE, so .idea dir should be ignored
  4. /bin dir should be ignored as some devs use it for different purposes

Good library by the way, I would try to contribute while having more available time