Closed gistin closed 2 weeks ago
Specific error
Error in lookspcode("Quercus robur", type = "broadleaf", returnv = "short") : object '"short"' not found In addition: Warning message: In utils::data(sp_lookupdf, envir = environment()) : data set ‘sp_lookupdf’ not found
This is strange, as on a separate project I get a result for lookspcode("Quercus robur", type = "broadleaf", returnv = "short") spname spcode matchtype 1 Quercus robur POK Botanical name
data(lookup_df) works, it was previously called data(sp_lookupdf) but now there is nothing listed in the package under sp_lookupdf so I wonder if you have a previous version of the package installed, did you run
detach(WoodlandCarbonCode) remove.packages("WoodlandCarbonCode") devtools::install_github("izaopenshaw/WoodlandCarbonCode", force = TRUE) # force = TRUE to install updates
it now seem to be totally failing to install. Wouldn't be surprised if its my R mucking up. I may need a reinstall!
Ah found the issue. It seem that allodb is called somewhere in the code, but possibly not specific. So this was throwing lots out, My clean version of r didn't have allodb. We probably need to specify it?
ah yes i had been meaning to do this. Specified in imports description file
i'm not sure if this will work as each of the packages require these commands to install them: remotes::install_github('ropensci/allodb') install.packages('BIOMASS',dependencies = TRUE)
Not sure either, as you say its called from github. If it is needed (not sure where it's used), then maybe just add to the readme (installation). Presently BIOmass is not called, but somewhere allodb is (this can be just in the documentation and it will still throw something off).
now listed in optional imports of description file and added the commands to install if its not installed within the functions for each
throwing an error, looks like sp_lookupdf or lookup_df is not found or loading?