izhx / paper-reading

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Open izhx opened 3 years ago

izhx commented 3 years ago



具体就是为batch中每个instance分配virtual label(其实就是它的序号对应的one-hot),然后再mixup生成新输入,进行对比学习,最后对loss插值。上code。 image


0 intro的概括

  1. 表示学习(Representation learning)很重要,自监督表示学习很成功,可以构建许多学习任务(上下文预测,对比学习等)

    SSL has also been used as an auxiliary task to improve the performance on the main task, such as generative model learning, semi-supervised learning, and improving robustness and uncertainty.

  2. 最近对比学习很牛。但依赖领域特定的归纳偏置

    However, while the concept of contrastive learning is applicable to any domains, the quality of learned representations rely on the domain-specific inductive bias: as anchors and positive samples are obtained from the same data instance, data augmentation introduces semantically meaningful variance for better generalization. [...] Hence, contrastive representation learning in different domains requires an effort to develop effective data augmentations.

  3. 有时大规模无标签数据也得不到

    Furthermore, while recent works have focused on large-scale settings where millions of unlabeled data is available, it would not be practical in real-world applications. For example, in lithography, acquiring data is very expensive in terms of both time and cost due to the complexity of manufacturing process

  4. 同时mixup增强数据在不同domain和task上都好用

    Meanwhile, MixUp has shown to be a successful data augmentation for supervised learning in various domains and tasks, including image classification, generative model learning, and natural language processing.

  5. 所以直接有个问题,mixup用在对比表示学习中好不好使。(???就感觉逻辑跳的有点快)

    In this paper, we explore the following natural, yet important question: is the idea of MixUp useful for unsupervised, self-supervised, or contrastive representation learning across different domains?

  6. 提出 instance Mix (i-Mix),可以在SimCLR,MoCo,BYOL上用。

1 学习到的新东西:

  1. 对比学习依赖领域特定的归纳偏置:人为构造的的正负例,具体的分类等学习任务。
  2. CutMix:用mask,对input进行部分替换(比如图像,交换两幅图的左下角)。而mixup时input的全部进行差值。
  3. InputMix:只mix输入,引入噪声。This method can be viewed as introducing structured noises driven by auxiliary data to the principal data with the largest mixing coefficient λ, and the label of the principal data is assigned to the mixed data (Shen et al., 2020; Verma et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020).
  4. MixUp is a vicinal risk minimization method (Chapelle et al., 2001) that augments data and their labels in a data-driven manner. Not only improving the generalization on the supervised task, it also improves adversarial robustness (Pang et al., 2019) and confidence calibration (Thulasidasan et al., 2019).

2 通过Related Work了解到了哪些知识

  1. Self-supervised representation learning (SSL) 一些CV自监督任务:拼图、目标计数、旋转预测、像素预测等
  2. Contrastive representation learning 负例选择十分重要,有MoCo这种Memory-based,也有数据增强的如旋转等。SimCLR在batch内数据增强,BYOL不需要负例。

3 实验验证任务,如果不太熟悉,需要简单描述

模型就是CNN/MLP + two-layer MLP projection head,下游任务就把 projection head 换成特定head。


4 在你认知范围内,哪些其它任务可以尝试


5 好的词语、句子或段落

  1. Self-supervised representation learning (SSL) has been successfully applied in several domains, including image recognition, natural language processing, robotics, speech recognition, and video understanding.
  2. which outperforms its supervised pre-training counterpart (He et al., 2016) on downstream tasks.
  3. In particular, the discriminative performance of representations learned with i-Mix is on par with fully supervised learning on CIFAR-10/100 and Speech Commands.
izhx commented 3 years ago

在对比学习中用mixup,新领域的 low-hanging fruit,主要看敏锐性和手速,有一定意义